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Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione (Dir. Prof. G. Leonardis)


      1. modulazione simpatica periferica (Santini, Cuello)
      2. modificazione delle proprietà di conduzione delle fibre nervose periferiche (Ignelzi-Nyquist, Lanza)
      3. modificazione del potenziale di placca e desensibilizzazione dei recettorià corrente di demarcazione (Lomo, Gunn)
      4. stimolazione del campo recettivo inibitorio dei neuroni WDR (Fitzgerald)

      1. modulazione all’ingresso ("gate control")
      2. attivazione del circuito inibitorio propriospinale (Gebhart e coll.)
      3. stimolazione della colonna dorsale (DCS) (Willis)

      1. DNIC (Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls) (Le Bars e coll.)
      2. attivazione reticolare (Melzack-Jeans)
      3. attivazione del "central control trigger" (Dennis-Melzack)
      4. attivazione talamica (Man-Chen, Chang)
      5. attivazione dell’ "ansa analgesica mesolimbica" (Han)

      1. oppioidi endogeni (Mayer-Price-Rafii, Pomeranz e coll., Sjölund-Terenius-Eriksson, Han)
      2. serotonina (Mc Lennan e coll., Le Bars e coll., Han-Terenius)




  1. Santini, M. (1976): Towards a theory of sympathetic-sensory coupling: the primary sensory neurons as a feed-back target of the sympathetic terminal. In Sensory functions of the skin in Primates with special references to man, Zotterman, Y. (ed), Wenner-Gren Cent. Intern. Symp., Vol. 27, pp. 15-25, Pergamon
  2. Cuello, A.C. (1986): The synaptic organisation of peptide-containing sensory neurons. Int. Conf. on Pain and Mobility, Milan, 18-21 March.
  3. Ignelzi, R.J. and Nyquist, J.K. (1976): Diresct effect of electrical stimulation on peripheral nerve evoked activity implications in pain relief. J Neurosurg, 45:155-9,
  4. Lanza, U. (1984): Elettrostimolazione agopunturale e transcutanea. Ed. Espansione, Luserna (TO).
  5. Lomo, T. (1976): The role of activity in the control of membrane and contractile properties of skeletal muscle. In Motor Innervation of Muscle, Thesleff, S. (ed), Chapt. 10, pp. 289-315, Academic Press, N.Y.
  6. Gunn, C.C. (1978): Transcutaneous Neural Stimulation, Acupuncture and the Current of Injury. Am J Acupuncture, Vol. 6, 3:191-6.
  7. Gunn, C.C. (1989): Neuropathic Pain: A New Theory for Chronic Pain of Intrinsic Origin. Annals RCPSC, Vol. 22, 5:327-30.
  8. Fitzgerald, M. (1982): The contralateral input of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord in the decerebratte spinal rat. Brain Res, 236:275-87.

  1. Melzack, R. and Wall, P. (1965): Pain mechanisms: a new theory. Science, 150:971-9.

  1. Gebhart, K.D., Yezierski, R.P., Gielser, G.J. and Willis, W.D. (1981): Inhibitory receptive fields of primate spinothalamic tract cells. J Neurophysiol, 46:1309-25.
  2. Willis, W.D. (1984): Modulation primate spinothalamic tract discharges. In Advances in Pain Research and Therapy, Kruger, L., Liebeskind, J.C. (eds),Vol. 6, pp. 217-40, Raven Press, New York.
  3. Le Bars, D, Dickenson, A.H. and Besson, J.M. (1979): Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC). I. Effects on dorsal horn convergent neurones in the rat. Pain, 6:283-304.
  4. Le Bars, D, Dickenson, A.H. and Besson, J.M. (1979): Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC). II. Lack of effect on non-convergent neurones, supraspinal involment and theoretical implications. Pain, 6:305-27.
  5. Melzack, R. and Jeans, R.N. (1974): Acupuncture Analgesia: A Psycophysiological Explanation. Minnesota Medicine, March, pp. 161-6.
  6. Dennis, S.G. and Melzack, R. (1977): Pain signaling systems in the dorsal and ventral spinal cord. Pain, 4:97.
  7. Man, P.L. and Chen, C.H. (1972): Mechanism of Acupunctural Anesthesia. The Two-Gate Control Theory. Acupunctural Anesthesia, November, pp.730-5.
  8. Man, P.L. and Chen, C.H. (1972): Acupuncture "Anesthesia"-A new theory and clinical study. Curr Ther Res, Vol. 14, 7:390-4.
  9. Chang, H.T. (1973): Integrative action of thalamus in the process of acupuncture for analgesia. Scientia Sinica, Vol. XVI, 1:25-60.
  10. Han, J.S. (1984): I meccanismi d'azione dell'analgesia con agopuntura. Orientamenti MTC, Anno 3, 3:208-223, Edizioni Paracelso, Roma.
  11. Mayer, D.J., Price, D.D. and Rafii, A. (1977): Antagonism of acupuncture analgesia in man by the narcotic antagonist naloxone. Brain Res, 121:360-73.
  12. Pomeranz, B. and Chiu, D. (1976): Naloxone blockade of acupuncture analgesia-endorphin implicated. Life Sci, 19:1757-62.
  13. Pomeranz, B., Cheng, R. and Law, P. (1977): Acupuncture reduces electrophysilogical and behavioral responses to noxious stimuli: pituitary is implicated. Exp Neurol, 54:172-8.
  14. Sjölund, B., Terenius, L. and Eriksson, M. (1977): Increased cerebrospinal fluid levels of endorphins after electroacupuncture. Acta Physiol Scand, 100:382-4.
  15. Mc Lennan, H., Gilfillan, K. and Heap, Y. (1977): Some pharmacological observations on the analgesia induced by acupuncture in rabbits. Pain, 3:229-38.
  16. Le Bars, D., Rivot, J.P., Dickenson, A.H., Chaouch, A. and Besson, J.M. (1980): Rôle de la sérotonine dans les contrôles inhibiteurs diffus induits par des stimulations nociceptives. C R Acad Sci, 290:379-82.
  17. Han, J.S. and Terenius, L. (1982): Neurochemical basis of acupuncture analgesia. Ann Rev Pharmacol Toxicol, 22:193-220.
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