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Award-winning electronics designs, circuit diagrams, ready-to-go schematics, source code especially for the Atmel's AVR family and PIC Microcontrollers.
Circuit Cellar's best overall design winner
The on-line versions of some of the articles I wrote for the best electronics publications, describing complete projects, hints and tips to use right now or to add to your bag of tricks, just in case. Elektor Electronic 3rd prize
Curious about CRC? Check the crc pages for a terse primer. Prize winner COP8FLASH by National Semiconductor
Plus an handful of good links,  and my new "back of an envelope" section about quick, simple yet effective project ideas


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jump to the Wireless Alarm project

jump to Tiny Planet cellphone control

jump to "mind provokations" pages

Alberto's new sponsors

The Swedish brand IAR sponsored the Scriptable Thermometer project presented at the National Semiconductor's COP8FLASH International Design Contest   awards page


Nope, I won’t bother you with my holiday’s photos or my pets list: the main reason for being here is to experiment and interact with the Internet. I started it years ago: "I really trust that the Net will revolutionize our lives over the next decade". Now it's happening and I don’t wanna miss it.   

I’m quite concerned about the content, and I‘ve done my best to offer you meaningful content and a pleasant layout. Someone said that "<on the internet> You have to dig a lot before finding a real net-nugget", and this is no exception.

 Not english? 
 Net english. 
This page is written in 100% pure net-english, the language of non-english speakers over the net.


designs f.a.q.


crc guide who am I ? awards
home | nutchips | designs | f.a.q. | provokations | crc guide | who am I ? | awards