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TOMI ENGDAHL's http://www.epanorama.net
This is my prefered one, well indexed, huge, content-rich link page.

CLAUDIO LANCONELLI'S   www.cs.unibo.it/~lanconel or www.lancos.com
Home of the free PONY PROGrammer (programs Atmel AVR AT90S1200, 8515, ATMEGA, and IIC 24C16, 24C32, 24C64, Microchip 24C65, now also PIC 16F84 and many to come)

MINIDISC & infrared remotes: http://minidisconline.cjb.net/
a detailed remote control project from Gabriele Bellini.

I.R.BOT, nice robotics site

Connectors and cables, hundreds of cables and connectors pinout listed here

S.N.A.P - Scaleable Node Address Protocol, from Hi Tech Horizon. They maintatin also the LAVRA, list of AVR applications.

C-WORKS, a content-rich Casio site from Australia

lots of projects with servocontrollers for model airplanes. Plus an unusual "NO ICs" programmer for AVR and PICs.

M.O.S.C.O.W.: RUSSIAN CALCULATOR MUSEUM http://www.taswegian.com/MOSCOW/soviet.html
Beatiful, detailed pictures about russian computers

MATTHEW ROWE http://websites.ntl.com/~matthew.rowe/micros/
Dedicated to beginners, is the site to get started with small micros.

JACK TIDWELL http://www3.igalaxy.net/~jackt
Jack is developing an interesting Basic for AVR (JBASIC), plus well documented library routines in ASM, useful for other languages too.

AVR FORUM http://www.avr-forum.com/avrsource.html
Sponsored by Kanda Systems, the site is still in its infancy. An AVR chat and AVR suppliers lists among other.

BRIAN HAMMILL'S AVR RESOURCES http://www.ipass.net/~hammill/newavr.htm
Selected links collection devoted to AVRs

Volker's ATMEL FOR DUMMIES featuring GNU C COMPILER FOR AVR porting to Windows (finally!) http://members.xoom.com/volkeroth/index_e.htm
In spite of its name, this site is very interesting not only for beginners. If you are looking for a good, FREE optimizing C compiler, download it here.

STELIOS CELLAR http://members.tripod.com/Stelios_Cellar
AVR code snippets, GPS info

Small-C compiler for AVR, not ANSI but usable.

PSX DEVELOPMENT http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Stonewall/3439/psxdev.html
Some basic information if you are planning to program a Playstation

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC JUMP STATION http://www.optimagic.com/index.shtml
A link repository to the world of field programmable logic tools and freeware

MICRO TOOLS FOR AVR  http://medo.fov.uni-mb.si/mapp/uTools/index.html
FEATURING GNU C porting for AVR with floating point (linux). See "Atmel for dummies" for a windows porting.

LAWICEL soft & hard ware http://www.lawicel.com
Interesting products for interfacing with CAN bus.

K5HJ home page http://www.fastlane.net/~k5hj  
Various assembler code snippets for AVRs: infrared and LCD, among others

Huge site devoted to RF, nice tutorials, examples and huge link collection to technical and engineering free software on the net.

WE-MAN! ELECTRO STUFF http://margo.student.utwente.nl/el/
A "classic" on its own, with a fun section devoted to unusual uses of your microwave oven!

ADRIANO'S HOBBY ELETTRONICA 2 http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lab/9128
Adriano is collecting various projects and links. This is an italian-only site, good starting point for navigation towards many italian sites.

GARY T. DESROSIERS http://www.vermontlife.com/gary
I was very impressed by his "Embedded Ethernet" PIC/10BASET ethernet interface

USEIT.COM - JAKOB NIELSEN http://www.useit.com/
I found here impressive information on how the web is, would be, will be. Lots of interesting information about how a web site should be built from an industry-recognized guru.

CIRCUIT CELLAR  www.circellar.com:
Official site of the world famous computer engineer's magazine. Here you will find the source of all the articles.

PICPOINT www.picpoint.com:
Fast growing site with PIC projects. Home of the PICNET Java project.

DAVID TAIT'S www.man.ac.uk/~mbhstdj/index.html
The best PIC links collection ever.

ALEXEY VLADIMIROV's Microchip Net Resources http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Way/5807
Another great PIC links collection.

BOB BLICK'S www.bobblick.com
Simple, effective, brain-activating pages. PIC and  Basic Stamp projects.

PETER JURGENSEN BOOKMARKS www.vision.auc.dk/~pju/bookmarks.html

STEFAN RANGUELOV BOOKMARKS http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~ranguelo/elektro.html
another lot of links (in German)

PETER H. ANDERSON'S HOME PAGE www.access.digex.net/~pha/
Good examples on interfacing various devices to parallel port, PIC, Motorola, etc: find them between lots of PIC kits.

PIC SIL LANGUAGE  PIC PIC16C84 Compiler the SIL language v. 0
Simple yet powerful (and fast) language.

SCOTT DATTALO'S   http://interstice.com/~sdattalo
Tweaking a PIC: nice examples on how to put math theory in practice


CAN BUS INFORMATION http://www.omegas.co.uk/CAN/

DONTRONICS  www.dontronics.com
A commercial site packed with projects and information about PIC and AVR

PARALLAX   Parallax, Inc. -- Helpful Links
(If you need help, ask the big names first!). Home of the famous Basic Stamp

VIRTUAL MICRO DESIGNS   www.vmdesign.com
An interesting "one size fits all" universal simultor, with a playable demo to download.

PULSAR RADIO   http://freud.et.tudelft.nl/~pulsarfm/nojava.htm
Interested to radio transmitters, RDS, etc.?



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