The " Calvario " ( cross ) is certainly one of the religious ceremonies that people from Carassai feel the most .
This name is due to Jesus Christ ' s passion and death .
The most important characteristic of the cerimony is the costruction in wood and in iron of a real mountain where , according to tradition , the procession of Saint Friday and that of Tuesday after Easter finish .
This latter procession was wanted by organizer so that the ceremony could be repeated in case of rain .
During the night before the later procession a nighttime vigil was effected where men received the Easter Communion ,during the day people alternated in church for worshipping .
The " Calvario " was realized in : 1925 , 1927 , 1931 , 1934 , 1936 , 1952 , 1954 , 1957 , 1970 , 1984. ( picture of 1984 ).

The " Calvario " origin , years 1925

The first solemn celebration happened in 1925 .
It that famous characters of Carassai ( Alfredo Pallottini and Latini Guido ) had the idea to build the " Calvario " mount .
Latin son of a verger from Montalto Marche remembered that is father used to built a kind of mountain in occasion of the holy week , where the passion and death of Chrst was commemorated .
The idea of realizing an analogous structure derived from this memory and Pallottini expert in lighting helped him .
And so the " Calvario " was born .
The mountain was lifted near the Old Castle , Filippo Virgili ran the works .


The " Calvario " of 1984

The " mountain " was build near the public garden in  Colleggiata " square .
The plastic model was made by the architect Mariucci Fillippo that drew it accurately .
A lot of inhabitants partecipated and those that could not contribute manually partecipated economically to the success of the work.
About 16 million liras were collected .
The ceremony took place according to the chorus sang under the feet of the cross .
Television and regional political authorities took part in the ceremony too .

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