My Delphi components:

- TSCCoolProgBar A funny progress bar
- TSCSwitchToggle A funny switch
- TSCBlinkingLed A blinking bitmap

Send me an E-mail if you have any comments, questions or bug report.
If you find some component useful, I would enjoy hearing about it!

Please visit my new web site


Freeware - Source included
This is a bitmap based Progress Bar - Simply define a bitmap containing filled and unfilled state and... enjoy! Demo included.
This component was tested in Delphi 2 and Delphi 6 - maybe it can work in other environments.

It's very easy to use:
- Drag the component in the form;
- Set 'BarDirection' with the direction of progression: "Bottom to top" or "Left to right"
- Load 'BlockGlyph', a bitmap with the filled and unfilled state of a single block: in the subdirectory Images\ you will find some example. To create a bitmap for 'BlockGlyph' put the filled state on the left side and unfilled state in the right side of the bitmap. Of course the two bitmaps must have the same width and height =)
- Set Max and Min properties
- In your code simply set Pos property and try it =)

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Freeware - Source included
This is a bitmap based Switch Toggle - Demo included.
This component was tested in Delphi 2 and Delphi 6 - maybe it can work in other environments.

It's very easy to use:
- Drag the component in the form;
- Then set 'Orientation' vertical or horizontal;
- Load 'Glyph', a bitmap with the button: in the subdirectory Images\ you will find some example.
- Choose if the image must be stretched or not ('Stretch' property);
- Choose if the user can change the state clicking or dragging the cursor ('DragToToggle' property);
- Choose if the user must click on the button to change its state or can click anywhere in the control ('MouseControl' property).

To know the switch state you can handle the OnChange event or simply check the 'State' property.
Remember that this control can receive keyboard focus; simply look at TabOrder and TabStop properties - At runtime you can change the state of the switch by pressing space bar.

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Freeware - Source included
This is a funny blinking bitmap. Demo included.
This component was tested in Delphi 6 - maybe it can work in other environments.

It's very easy to use:
- Drag the component in the form;
- Load 'LedGlyph', a bitmap with the led: in the subdirectory Images\ you will find an example.
- You can select the state of the led by writing on 'Status' property;
- At runtime you can start/stop blinking by writing on 'Blink' boolean property;
Blinking properties:
- 'TickLengthMs': allow you to set the length of a base 'tick';
- 'TicksOn': number of ticks the led is on;
- 'TicksOff': number of ticks the led is off. (see the demo =)

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