Stratovarius is not a very familiar name among the Finnish music audience, even if the album Episode has sold over 100 000 copies in Japan only. Another rather unfamiliar name is Jens Johansson, the band’s keyboard player, even if he has been often ranked as the best of the world in many polls of the world’s music magazines. Johansson, who lives in New York, is a very busy musician and receives offers frequently from all sides, but still he considers Stratovarius to be a group of highly skilled musicians.

-These guys are also big stars, maybe not in Finland, I mean, because the Finnish music market is very much techno or something like that. But the rest of the world - yes, this is a big band.

Jens has not been captured by just one type of music. He has recorded all kinds of music from global music to punk, with Ginger Baker and Hoochie Collins to mention some. Apart from being considered as an outstanding musician, the symphatetic Swede is also known as a very humorous and funny person. He has also learned some Finnish...

- I could speak some Finnish for you, but I only know the bad Finnish words, so..

- Nothing good?

- No, nothing good....well, (he presents his version of pronouncing some finnish words).

The maestro does not have to practice his technique as much as in the early days:

- I don’t practice the technique so much anymore. It’s mostly to try to write things usually when I play nowadays. It is probably for the better anyway because if you just practice the technique, you usually don’t get so much out of it.

The frontman of the band, Timo Tolkki, has been nothing but very satisfied with his keyboard player:

- He is truly an awesome player, I must say that. He is a very nice guy too, which is very important for the chemistry between the band members to work.

Even if the band would make a fortune by picking up berries (referring to the quick-fingered players here), showing off with soloing is not the main thing for Stratovarius.

- We’ve got melodic songs, that’s what it all comes down to, anyway. Solos are just a small part of a song, a few percent, so they don’t really mean that much. Technically speaking, we don’t have much restrictions in music because we have all played our instruments for a long time now. It is very easy and fun to write songs because you can play anything that comes to mind. There is music playing constantly in my mind and I can realize it just like that. It is very important, I think.

The band is working on their next album, which bears the name ‘Visions’ and is scheduled to be released in the end of april all around the world. The European and Japanese tour that the band did last year will probably be followed by touring in South-America.

- We have plans to tour South-America; Brazil, Chile, Argentina... it will surely be a blast!