
Castangia 1850

Castangia 1850

un dettaglio importante....

1850 Cagliari

Castangia 1850

1850 Cagliari
via Manno, the heart of the city.
At the time when Garibaldi was
planning his legendary exploit, and,
in the wake of the 1848 Carbonari
rising a renewed aspiration to
freedom was felt, while Mazzini
was founding his "Young Italy"
(a secret organization plotting for the
unification of Italy), and the
Savoia Dinasty was still ruling over
Castangia opened their
Castangia arrived before the
Unity of Italy, before everyone else.
The oldest clothing shop and atelier
in Italy.

via Manno il cuore della cittą
Mentre Garibaldi si accingeva a
compiere la sua impresa, mentre
cominciavano a farsi sentire i primi
segnali di libertą dopo i moti
carbonari del '48, mentre Mazzini
fondava la Giovane Italia, quando
a Cagliari regnavano ancora i
Castangia apriva le sue
Prima dell'unitą d'Italia, prima
di tutti gli altri.
Il pił antico negozio di
abbigliamento d'Italia.

Castangia 1850



Produzione - Production
Via del Commercio, 27 - 09122 Cagliari - Italy
Tel. +39 (0)70 274068-274085-274324  Fax +39 (0)70 274182