Ref. O/319 - Dunhill #5103
Billiard - Tanshell - Group 5 - 1984
 This presmoked old pipe weighs only 47 grams (1.65 oz.) and is in excellent condition.
#5103 is the shape code that replaces the fascinating LB and LBS. To be more precise, they were replaced by #513 in 1976 and 1977, by #51031 and #51033 (five digits coding system) from late 1977 to 1984, and then by #5103 (four digit code) from 1985 up to now.
 In the opinion of many pipe smokers, billiards are considered the quintessential classical pipe shape and is usually in most collections. This Tanshell billiard is well-suited for experienced pipe smokers in light of its capacious bowl, therein offering a long and comfortable smoke.
 Warm colour, beauty blast, long stem and prestigious finish are additional valuable features of this pipe.
US$ 355.00 (see “payment” procedures/formalities).
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