Intervista 6


Interviewer: This is your first time working with Bruce Fairbairn
(producer of FTFD) who has a pretty solid background in pop music. I
know the Cranberries is consider an alternative band but also a pop
band. I was curious as to what you think of the concept of the word

Fergal: Labels are used to suit record stores; pop section, jazz
section, alternative. At the end of the day it's just music. Too many
labels put on it; it's just handy for the record stores so you know
what section to go to to get your record. I don't think about it much.
It's not something that bothers me.

Dolores: I think pop is definitely going to be Mariah Carey, Michael
Bolton and really mainstream kind of stuff. Alternative is different,
not the norm. It can be a poppy beat, rocky, a dead march or something
you know so to the Cranberries there are no limits with sounds and
musical influence you know so I think it's kind of hard to label this
band you know.

Thanks to Suzy Aston for providing this interview.