I am writing a book about my travels. It will guide you and will suggest the path.
India, Galicia, Greece, Cornwall, Brittany ...

So I met some wonderful teachers: Guenolé, Merlin, Giacomo Boanerges, San Pedro de Mezonzo, Pitagora and the druids of my very old clan.
In each of these teachers I found a part of me ...

I'm really aware that a travel can be followed by growth and can also be an amazing moment for knowledge. That is ... you can also know yourselves !!!
In each travel I found moments for meditating, nice people to meet, incredible landscapes and momunents, pleasant o difficult situations, but always something to learn, and really more ...
Each moment can be a teacher, for our life, if we want.

You can't travel without a goal, without a desire, without passion. Travels are really as life is. So travels become a mirror. We are our own travel, because we create it each moment, through each breath.

As soon as I can, I'll write here the information for finding my book.
If you won't be travelling. Keep in touch!

a really great writer
