
Dossier UFO

Formed article zip.

Paul Toselli
True the X-Files "

Armenia Publisher, Milan

The documentary truth exceeds the fiction of the fortunate television series X-Files: for before the time from it arches you of the FBI the documents, a time secrets, that they demonstrate to the true interest of the federal police American for the UFO Beyond two thousand pages of dossier they have been up to now rilasciate based on the law on the freedom of information (Freedom of Information Act). What hid us true the X-Files of the FBI?
The Arnold case and the beginning of the saga of flying discs. The case Maury Island and the connections with the Kennedy homicide. The interest of Hoover for flying discs falls to you. What fell to Roswell? The Aeronautics asks aid the FBI. UFO on the atomic installations. The spy FBI the soldiers. The relationships of surveying of the agents
special. The interferences of the CIA and the intelligence agencies. The photo of an extraearthling in arches you of the FBI. Federal the pedinano the first contattisti. The ufologi under control: students or sovversi to you? UFO and espionage. The inquiry on the mysterious mutilations of cattle. The truth is truly elsewhere?
One new key of reading of the " conspiracy of Hush ", on the base of a documentation rigorously originates them, in one perspective unexpected.
Preface edited by Russian Edoardo.
The " official documents " have always exercised a special fascination on the students and on it gets passionate you of ufologia. Such fascination has more than one reason: desire of having one authoritative confirmation (from the " authorities ", exactly) to own convictions approximately the existence of a real phenomenon and important; but also the hope of legittimazione rising, like ufologi, from part of the establishment political inasmuch as the scientific atmosphere does not consider the worthy argument of attention.
In the course of cinquant' the years that are by now passed from when they were had first disc signallings flying, the news sources approximately documentations and arch to you official on argument UFO have endured one sure evolution. Limiting us to the United states, the country that also under this aspect has been premonitory in ufologico field, at first one be a matter of indiscretions and news escapes that, from official atmospheres, arrived to students and journalists. Then there were the memories of some protagonists, military (captain Edward Ruppelt, director of the Project Blue Book) and civilians (astronomer Joseph Allen Hynek, adviser of the USAF for vent' years), that they directly revealed some backstage on the base of the own direct experience.
In the 1976, finally, divenne operating one a law on the freedom of information (Freedom of Information Act, FOIA) based on which the public agencies Americans are held to supply copy of own documents (behind recovery of expenses) to anyone of makes demanded, with some exceptions rigidly established to safeguard of rights of relative confidentiality or information to the defense and the national emergency. They followed (in ufologico field) numerous demands and consequent releases of migliaia and migliaia of pages of relationships, studies, notes that documented the effective several interest of agencies for the ufologico problem. Pack-saddles to think that from 1976 the CAUS (Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, that is " Citizens against the segretezza is active to Washington on the UFO"), a group specialized in the examination and the demands for ufologici document release from part of public agencies. And they followed also numerous judicial actions in order to impose also the release of other documents, maintained instead secrets or only rilasciati in part (or with brani heavy censured), set in action risoltesi with some Victoria of ufologi and the not little defeats.
In last the ten years, but, the " detections ", often anonymous are returned insistently, of sedicenti civil employees or former-civil employees publics (military, agents secrets, bureaucrats), and circulate more and more numerous the pretensions official documents or presumed such, nearly always of uncontrollable origin, various of which they are then indeed it reveals to you is made, in growing perverso that it is raising a polverone that it renders the true one from the false one indistinguishable, making useless the important turns out to you which it was joints between the ' 76 and the 85 and throwing down the ufologia American in one mentality " cospirazionista " from which nobody he is excluded.
Between the several authorities, the Air Forces have been historically the soldiers (, and in particular the U. S. Air Force) first objects to you of this attention, in how much institutionally was the air forces to take itself loaded with the problem of the unidentified flying objects to you. In according to moment an attention it has been moved on the role carried out from the intelligencies agency, above all those Americans because the ufologia is been born in United states (and therefore the CIA and the NSA). The police forces instead are remained traditionally in flat second, are because less considerably been involved in the activity of collection of they give to you ufologici, are because less clamorously institutional. Police, in the USA, wants to say the polverizzazione of local police, to level of single county, or to the opposite end the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the federal police. The recent television series X-Files has undoubtedly place the FBI to the center of the attention of the public of gets passionate you of UFO all over the world. But in truth the students from at least vent' years sondato (and still sondando) arch they to you ufologici of the Federal ones, since the FOIA entered in vigor. And
being the Bureau within the atmosphere but al defiladed same time a po' regarding the others agencies been involved in the ufologica issue, its documents offer one perspective of particular interest on the involvement of the soldiers and the intelligence agencies to us Americans in our argument.
Such documents (as moreover also those - and they are migliaia - rilasciati from the other agencies of emergency) indicate a genuine sbalordimento and one inability to make forehead to a phenomenon that irrompe unexpected in the daily paper, unhinging the slight knowledge and the competences of the same police enforcements. Al same time, from documents of the FBI turns out some not banal reasons of the attitude of censorship and forced reorganization that the governmental agencies have often assumed in the comparisons of problem UFO. But not draft at all of the tests of that authors of sensazionalistici books have gradually defined " conspiracy of Hush ", " great quite " cover-up planetary " game " or. The detailed lists and concrete worries emerge instead (and to times also the true and own misunderstandings) that in very you specify historical contexts and cultural they have conditioned the interpretation of the ufologico problem from part of several the soldiers, scientists, agents of the counterespionage, and of it the reactions have parimenti conditioned.
Sure, the allegated conspiracy could be always argued that the rilasciati documents - just because rilasciati - had by force to be innocuous and not compromising of Hush; or quite that they could have been counterfeit just in sight of their release, to the aim to confuse the waters with that would be in truth disinformation, or better controinformazione. There is already who has supported it and indeed - for a curious ribaltamento of logic - just the fact that gives such documents not evinca " large cover-up " but the only many small cover-up would constitute for sure " ufologi " the better test of the existence of the conspiracy. To these observations there is little from objecting, if not that to fantasticare it is a right of all, and everyone has the right of having the own convictions and sideboards.
But the scientific approach is an other thing: part from gives to you for trarne of the conclusions, not viceversa. Who writes strikes itself from years because also in Italy the ufologia you set off decidedly on the road that the ports from puts into effect them stage of pre-science to that one of a " normal science " (in order to use the introduced epistemologiche categories from Thomas Kuhn), abandoning the fideisti, irrazionalisti attitudes and misteriosofici that still unfortunately characterize an immense part of gets passionate you of the argument and not little of that students define themselves.
They give beyond ten years, the scientific tradition of the ufologia in our country acknowledges in the Italian Center Studies Ufologici (CISU, post office box them 82, 10100 Turin, tel. 011-329.02.79, fax 011-54,50,33), a cultural association of voluntary service that has the scope to carry out surveyings, to promote the study of phenomenon UFO, to favor the circulation of the information and to coordinate to national level the collection activities of they give to you and of analysis of the same ones.
Paul Toselli has been between the founders of the CISU and is from years one of managing its, beyond that UFO editor - Review of ufologica information. Assets in ufologico field give beyond vent' years, are one of the more famous Italian students also to the foreign country, article author publish to you on the main reviews specialized, beyond that of numerous inquiries on sights UFO
This its book makes the point on the " true X-Files " of the federal police American, publishing for before the time in Italy official document tens and offering to a gash al unknown and unexpected same time on problem UFO seen from the police enforcements, on the material base rigorously originates them. Not there are many comments in the text, in how much the collected and exposed material in the pages that follow comment alone, and the readers will be in a position to on one side make from himself the own idea approximately the truth of the phenomenon and " the official " interest, from the other approximately the existence or less of the governmental segretezza in matter.
The volume is in truth first of a necklace cured from the Italian Center the Ufologici Studies that, on the wave of the renewed interest of the public for the argument, will be placed in against-tendency regarding the prevailing pubblicistica trades them to feeling that in the last years has invaded the newspaper stands, the bookcases and the videoteche, and will try instead carrying the attention of the readers on the true ufologia, understanding like disinterested activity of study without preconcepts. At present, also in ufologia, there is need of who seeds doubts, rather than to sell truth premanifactured.

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