What we are going to see are pictures of unidentified flying objects, taken from the official archive of  N.A.S.A., which have never denied their authenticity. One may be sceptical and refuse to believe, but it is undeniable that something "strange" happens, if we consider the number of scientists, technicians and soldiers, employed by the most powerful governments in the world (first of all the American one) in order to study these phenomena. In the following pages, we will see eye-witnesses' pictures, whose truthfulness has to be proved, even if these pictures were carefully studied and nobody was able to prove that they are false. Moreover, it is difficult to believe that they are simply the result of imagination or of dazzles or, least of all, of natural phenomena or refractions of something. I think that, as always, truth is in the middle. In other words, something inexplicable surely happens, whereas the rest is added in order to confound and camouflage what is true. We will see the reasons for this in the conclusions. If you have unpublished evidences and wish to send them to me, feel free to do it. Eventually, I will enclose them in the site.



Design of " gray " as they come calls the Aliens to you

These photos are been released in several shipments of the smalls boat Apollo and Gemini

apollo 11    apollo 12   apollo 14   apollo 14a   

apollo 16a   apollo 17    ufo015 

  foto nasa apollo 17  gemini 7  apollo 15a 

apollo 15

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