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Neutron stars These objects are the rests of the Supernova outbreaks, that is stars committees to the end of their life. After that the star has expelled all the external layers, the nucleus remains only. This collassa on if same under the gravity force. Normally the collapse is arrested when the force of repulsione of the external electronic shells of atoms counterbalances the attrazionme gravitational. But in stars to neutrons this electron pressure is not sufficient, and the continuous contraction, until when electrons and protons are melted to form neutrons, and the entire star turns out formed from particles of this single type. The density is highest and the dimensions are a lot reduced (beam around the 10 km).

Pulsar The neutron stars conserve their angular moment of spin, and therefore ruotano on if same to the highest speeds. Their megnetico field is generally much intense one, a lot that these stars generate in their spin a bundle much compact one of intense electromagnetic cancellations, in a similar way to what ago a beacon. If the plan of spin of these stars comes to fall on our visual one, then we will see of the highly regular impulses of radio waves that is ollowed at intervals short.

Black holes If a star has a mass much greater one regarding our sun, advanced to a data critical value, the neutron pressure is not sufficient to balance the remarkable gravitational forces in game. Therefore the continuous star to contrarsi to the infinite until creating that one that the cosmologi calls singolarità: a point whose density would be infinite, but in which the space and the time they stop to exist. A name black hole drift from the fact that the gravitational attraction of a such object therefore would be elevated that not even the light could sfuggirgli: the sphere that delimits the area to the inside of which the speed of escape is advanced to that one of the light says horizon of the events. According to an eminent contemporary physicist a black hole is not then therefore black. In fact also this would have a temperature and an entropy, and therefore it would emit cancellation, in way inversely proporziona them to its mass. This implies that in a time sufficiently along every black hole it will end in order to evaporate in one gigantic outbreak. Every way, until today not is still tests of the existence of such objects, although the greater part of the contemporary physicists is the Concorde in asserting some the possibility.

Quasar These are the more energetic objects that are known until today. They appear characterizes to you from a redshift of their cancellation extremely emphasized, that it would render them farther the objects known, arranging them to the same borders of the percepibile universe. One thinks moreover that they are relatively small objects, but the energy that they emit can be also one hundred times greater regarding that one of one entire galaxy.
Recent observations make to think that sections of active nuclei of far galaxies and one of the greater hypotheses approximately their source of energy the presence of a black hole of remarkable dimensions to their inside is implied.

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