Plan SETI                     

The SETI are the greater institute that is taken care to try marks them of a extraland intelligence, that one to which the novel of Carl Sagan " Contact " is inspired, from which have been drawn the film. Hour the Silks throws again the plan to create an immense network of search connecting hundred of migliaia of computer. In this way, an analysis deepened could be obtained of marks captured them from the enormous telescope of Arecibo to Puerto Rico. Anyone can participate to the plan, enough to compile the form contained in the situated one. But there are also other scientific plans that they have objects to you similar, like European Darwin and one series of under way searches from NASA. It returns puts into effect them the dream to realize a contact with a shape of averse life. But in order to learn to distinguish science and fantascienza, a series of pages that are taken care of astrobiologia and explains it here to all:

Sistem Solar - Comets - Infinite Space

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