You have the cricket for a friend, who promised not to give you unwanted advice, but only to be the soundtrack to your journey. The night has come down, noiseless and starry, and you can’t even hear the sound of your steps, but only the soft lullaby sang by your friend the cricket,  in a duet with the cicada. Ask  your thoughts to go to sleep, use the suitcase like a pillow and rest too. It has been a long and tiring day and your journey is still at the beginning. Ask the moon to be like a mother, because yours is far away and tomorrow you will wake up happy, maybe better. You have not found yourself yet, maybe you were the nice old woman who offered you fresh  spring water, perhaps  the footprint you have seen on the path, perhaps you are one of the leaves from that tree over there. You will think about it tomorrow. Goodnight.