
La festa

La preghiera
del pellegrino

Le visite dei




On May 31st  ult. the international press was informed that some researchers came to the following conclusion: the “Holy Face” of Manoppello is the same roman Veronica, stolen in St. Peter’s in about 1608! 
A very important problem rose from this information because Vatican never declared the larceny of the Veronica. It was necessary so much discretion! But immediately afterwards special events happened: important visits.

On the sixteenth of June Cardinal Pappalardo arrived to our sanctuary, the following day also Cardinal Tonini arrived. We all very glad but we thought it was a merit of our Archbishop  who is a votary of the Holy Face. It is not all! Not long after was announced the visit of Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Secretary of Vatican State. We capuchins very glad but also in fear of his eventual reproach. At last he arrived on the second of August. At the beginning, while Father Pfeiffer was showing him the result of his studies, he was interested but imperturbable. Then he was conducted before that face and, little by little, began to melt  and pray; at last , when the Holy Relic was put on the altar and he could see it close up, he too, as everyone, was won by that look.

On the seventh of August, even thou on page 18 and in a short article, “l’Avvenire”  so said about this visit:  
“Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Secretary of State, in Abruzzo for a little rest, visited a few days ago the Sanctuary of the Holy Face at Manoppello in the diocese of Chieti-Vasto. Cardinal Sodano seized the opportunity  to visit the Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto, Monsignor Edoardo Menichelli. The Secretary of State also  went to St. Justin’s and then to the Sanctuary of St. Camillus at Bucchianico, in the cistercian abbey of Santa Maria Arabona. They all are sacred places as the Sanctuary of Manoppello, included in the jubilee itineraries that lots of pilgrims directed towards Rome will do in the year 2000 to complete their roman pilgrimage.
In the Sanctuary of Manoppello granted to the franciscan friars, by tradition is guarded  a cloth coinciding to the image of Christ that is in the Veronica – vera icona (true icon)”. This article shows that Cardinal Sodano came expressly for the Sanctuary of Manoppello and it seems that this Veil is really the Veronica. Our fear disappeared and  we can declare it frankly, even thou, for now, only by supposition.  


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