The story

Comment of
P. H. Pfeiffer

From Jerusalem 
to Rome

“VERONICA” and the Holy Shroud 

Prof. Resch was till last year professor of paranormalogy in the Alfonsiana Academy of the Lateran University, where he taught “Ethics and Paranormalogy”. At present Father Redemptorist A. Resch is realizing a study on paranormalogy financed by the European Union. He is also publisher of scientific reviews.  Paranormalogy and the Holy Face

Is the perfect superimposition 
of the two Faces a "casualism"?

Paranormalogy means to study all those phenomena passing all bounds of the possibility of scientific researches with their peculiarities to be repeated and controlled by statistics.
So the Holy Face of Manoppello forms part of my researches as the Image remained impressed on the Veil in such a way as not to be explained scientifically. Reading P. Pfeiffer’s book I knew for the first time his researches regarding the Holy Face I had never heard of it.
This reading affected me deeply, because it consists in a very important historical and scientific research. To this discovery we must add the demonstration of Sister Blandina and her sensational superimposition of the two Faces with the definition of the reference-points and this is not a theory or a legend but an empirical method and also a scientific, mathematical and physical research carried on scrupulously to demonstrate the concordance of these points on the two Relics.(*) Superimposed, the Image of the Holy Sroud of Turin (Jesus Christ crucified) tallies perfectly with the Holy Face of Manoppello (Jesu Christ who rose again from the dead).
Moreover  we must add other extraordinarily interesting matter, i.e. the concordance of the Face on the Veil of Manoppello with the ones represented on the icons. 
Using the computer we could demonstrate that superimposing the Veil of Manoppello to the oriental Images of Jesus Christ we obtain a statistical concordance between 95 and 100%, that is a very high percentage on a scientific level and an irrefutable evidence that it is not a casual phenomenon happened beyond the bounds of probability.
We can give only one explication of the perfect superimposition: the Veil of Manoppello and the Holy Shroud of Turin were in the same place.
According to the terms of paranormalogy we could affirm that the two Relics were put together on Jesus Christ’s Face and the Sudarium on the Shroud, as Prof. Pfeiffer declares .
In support of this theory we have, moreover, the photographic technique demonstrating that the two cloths were superimposed, otherwise the perfect concordance should be impossible. Therefore the phenomenon is inexplicable in terms of paranormalogy while the explication is only scientific­: the perfect concordance 100% of the two Faces.
The Holy Face of Manoppello was certainly the model of the eastern and western iconography up to the XIV century and nowadays we can declare that the result of the scientific researches of Father Pfeiffer and Sister Blandina could be a considerable support of the real authenticity of the Holy Shroud of Turin.
The Holy Face of Manoppello represents the most tangible and extraordinary of all my researches, first of all because I could prove mathematically the real equality of the two Relics and now it would be very helpful to examine also the original frame kept in St.Peter’s Treasure in Rome which could give another evidence of the authenticity of the Relic to ascertain definitively that the Holy Face of Manoppello is the same roman Veronica . 


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