Hydrodata - IC (BE)

HYDRODATA-IC b.v.b.a is a Belgian firm, established in 1990, located in Leuven and specialising in water resources and environment. The firm is fully owned by the consolidated Italian Group HYDRODATA SpA, established in 1976. The company works for a variety of European institutions, among them the European Commission, Belgian water authorities, universities, Italian water authorities and regulators. In Belgium, HYDRODATA-IC is already engaged with water and environmental agencies (e.g. Wlaamse Milieumaatschappij) to carry out water studies and modelling to optimise the river catchment operation/management. Moreover the company is presently co-ordinating a research project on hydro-geological risk (Greece and Italy), co-financed by the European Commission (DG XII). .Additional information about Hydrodata is included in Annex 8. Hydrodata's role in the project is as technology user and consultant for the Ministère Walloon de l'Equipement et des Transports (SETHY).