1. GIC Woophy's Che Gelida Mamina, SIA b 21
Woophy's Diamante Grezzo, SIA f

1 seal tortie point Siamese female - available

2 seal tortie tabby point Siamese female - available

2.GIC Woophy's Che Gelida Mamina, SIA b 21
BT Lotus Black Tulip, ORI n

1 chocolate spotted tabby Oriental SH male -


3. CH Arhantin Arhippa, SIA c
EC Traum von FF Hebathea, ORI n

1 Siamese male - available
1 chocolate Oriental male - available
1 ebony Oriental male - available
1 Siamese female - available

4. Woophy's Che Sorpresa, ORI b 25
Azorez Indisbelievable Dream, SIA n 21

3 Siamese females - available
3 Siamese males -
1 chocolate spotted tabby Oriental SH female -

We are always available to give any information you'd need.
Just send us an
e-mail or call us (fax us) at: +39-041-5285494

N.B. Please note that due to the fact that I'm not very familiar with the internet... I'd probably be a bit slow in replying via e-mail... Sorry for this. I promise I'll try to learn more and soon in the future... For the moment, you can either try to send me a message (hoping for the best...) or fax me, phone me or contact my webmaster who will forward your message to me.



© Woophy's ©
last updated: April '02