Java MSX Emulator
by Arnon

Current Verion: 0.62

Official Site of the Author: Java MSX Site Download Site: MSX Emulator Page Play Online: JavaMSX Online!

Over here you can also play a over a 150 MSX-Games like Zanac & Knight Mare Online, be sure to check it out !

Files needed to run the emulator


All these files need to be in the same directory ofcourse. Of course it's also usefull to have some .ROM files of games to use with the emulator, but if you take a quick look on the net, you'll find lot's of them. At the official site, there are about 35 roms available, and at the MSX emulator page, some 250. Besides these you also have a lot of FTP sites like FUnet and KOMKON where you can find a lot of games, but keep in mind that only files in .ROM format are supported. Please don't mail me asking for .ROM images. Just look for yourself. They are very easy to be found.


As this emulator is very easy to use, the manual is very short. But, to make life not to hard for you all, you will find a brief desciption of the most important functions and commands of the JAVA MSX Emulator. Also some keys that might be usefull are descriped. This is how your "HTML" should look of you wish to execute a game:

With the width and height stament you can ofcourse adjust the size of the screen, but it is recommended that you keep these settings as they are. This is also the screen resolution a normal MSX machine normally uses. Screem 3 is not emulated yet, so don't worry about that.
In the example you see here, the file "knightmare.ROM" will be executed. Ofcourse you can put every .ROM image in there you wish, but please keep in mind that this emulator only supports MSX-1. MegaROM is supported though, so games like Nemesis or F-1 Spirit can be used ! If you do not enter a .ROM image, MSX-BASIC will automaticly start.
This emulator also accepts ZIPPED files, so instead of something like "knightmare.ROM" you can also use "knightmare.ZIP". This can be very usefull ofcourse to save some space on your harddisk or more important: on your webserver if you are going to put this emulator online (Please read the restrictions on that on the end of this manual !)
There is also another option which you might need for running non-konami megaroms like DragonSlayer 4 and Super Laydock. That is the "MegaromType" option. For these kind of games you can give the parameter "2", so it should look something like this:

While using the emulator, you can use the following keys:

F6 - aspas (brazilian people need that)
F8 - Caps Lock
F11 - Increase Frame skip
F12 - Decrease Frame Skip
Page Down - Code
Page Up - Graph
End - Select
Pause - STOP

Well... As you can see, it is very easy to use this emulator. There is almost nothing that can go wrong, as there is almost nothing you can do. Everything that should be done (and thus can go wrong), is already done for you. As you see , sometimes we programmers try to make life easy for you! So I guess that there is nothing more to say to you all: HAPPY GAMING !!!

Restrictions for online Publishing

You are allowed to put this emulator online on your page, so your users are able to play game within their browsers. If you are going to put the emulator online, please do contact me about this !

Revision History

(Version 0.61)

Fixed speed problems for fast machines

(Version 0.60)

Checked Z80 flags
Megarom Support !!!!
Added option to change frame skip (F12 increase - F11 decrease)
Screens 0,1 e 2
Many speed improvements
Still no sound


I would like to thank some people that help me a lot:

Muriloq author of Java Phoenix and Pleiads Emulators.
Ricardo Bitencourt author of the excelent brmsx.
Adam Davidson & Andrew Pollard for their Z80 class found on their Spectrum Java Emulator.
Neal Danner author of the Virtual Colecovision for Java.
And all other emumakers.

For bugreports, ideas, money and usefull tips, please feel free to e-mail me at but please keep in mind that I am a very busy person and that I will not be able to answer all mail straight away! But your e-mail is always appreciated, so do no hesitate to contact me.

This manual has been written by TFH/Fony Webmaster of MEP - MSX Emulator Page