

di M. Aurelia e M. Stella d´Alì s.s. - Sede: 91100 Trapani, ITALIA - Via G. B. Fardella, 24  
Tel./Fax +39 0923 28890 - E-mail: zangara@cinet.it 


Fresh pasta with Green Olives Paté  
Serves four: 

- 400 g. fresh pasta (tagliatelle or fettuccine)  
- 150 g. Green Olive Paté "Tenuta Zangara" 
- 5 tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil "Tenuta Zangara"  
- 20 g. minced pine kernels 
- 20 g. minced almonds  
- 50 g. grated Parmesan cheese  
- pepper and nutmeg to taste 

Heat the Green Olives Paté with the Olive Oil, pine and almonds in a frying pan. 
Cook the pasta, then add to the sauce in the frying pan, top with grated Parmesan stir well and serve steaming hot. 

"Tenuta Zangara" Spaghetti  
Serves four: 

- 400 g. spaghetti  
- 500 g. peeled tomatoes  
- 3 tbsp Green Olive Paté "Tenuta Zangara" 
- 3 tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil "Tenuta Zangara"  
- bunch of parsley  
- grated Parmesan cheese  

Cook the tomatoes, when cooked add the Green Olives Paté and the chopped parslex. 
Cook the spaghetti "al dente", mix the sauce and top with Parmesan cheese. 


- 4 slices of bread  
- some chopped fresh tomatoes 
- a chopped clove of garlic  
- 6 tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil "Tenuta Zangara"  
- a handful of broken basil leaves 

Mix all the ingredients raw and spread on the slices of bread.

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