
In 1948 Francesco Curci founded the first firm in Italy to specialize in the road transport of boats.

Post-war Italy was counting on the eagerness of entrepreneurs to rebuild the country - people who would throw themselves with passion and total dedication to the task of building businesses that would offer work to their families and hundreds of employees.

And that is just what happened with the Curci family, whose children carried on their father's work all over Europe, continually upgrading the technology used on their transports, which were on the cutting edge in terms of capacity and safety, and helping out with the heavy load of warehouse work and office support activities.

The family's third generation is now running the company, which went online in 1985. This later led to the company setting up its own Web site, with the intention of making its service more accessible and economical for everyone while maintaining the founding principles of the firm and the traditions it has built over the years.

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