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Eredi di Jovon Bruno

Situated on the most beautiful bridge of the world, Rialto’s Bridge, since 1934 Eredi Jovon jeweller’s shop is synonymous with expertise and tradition: since three generations we make this and we are proud to tell that we make it well.
Our wide collection of cameos and our manual dexterity in making coral jewels “ad personam” allow us to satisfay the several requests of our customers, offering products of high quality and to suit all tastes. Eredi Jovon made on you… made for you.


In 1934 Luciano Jovon decide to open a store in the Rialto Bridge to present his works in one of the biggest "window" of the world. The work is totally based in the craftiness of this man in working cammmeos and in his incomparable sense of business.
In 1943 h
is son Bruno came in to the shop to begin his appreticeship period.
During the ‘50 the shop was already one of the most known in Venice and was frequented by the cream of the world; Bruno was use to say; It was a golden age, Venice was the capital of taste. In this period he had a great idea: if Venice is the city on the sea, we can be sea window! The core business was enlarged to corals and Bruno becames shareholder in a coral factory.
It’s only in 1998 that the shop passes to Bruno’s wife Gabriella and to their son Alessio and little Marco.

The shop still nowadays can offer to customers the higest selection of trasure from the sea modelled by human mind and, be sure, pleasure of the eyes will be satisfied looking at our private collection of old cammeos and corals.