BOMARZO (Viterbo)

IL PARCO DEI MOSTRI - The Monsters Park

bomarzo-maschera.jpg (14323 byte)    Fauci Infernali

Suggested Subject: The Monsters Holy Wood from M. Mujica Lainez's BOMARZO

"The Italian readers who are accostumed to the restless Renaissance novels by Maria Bellonci and Anna Banti will like Bomarzo by Manuel Maujica Lainez, one of the most important authors in contemporary South American literature, who made accurate historical researches in the town archives. They will appreciate it as a new document on the great Renaissance period and as a further chapter on the history of the human inside which is one of the favorite subjects in this century literature since everything is seen through the eyes of the scared, visionary, excited Vicino.
But they should not let the faithful historical reconstruction of the places and characters (from Benvenuto Cellini to Raffaello Sanzio, from Michelangelo Buonarroti to Lorenzo Lotto e Antonio Vasari) deceive them. This novel on the Italian Renaissaance hides a mistery novel, a novel à clef, which revolves around the park, one of the greatest esoteric inventions in the history of mankind

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