TAORMINA (Messina)


Last autumn our Liceo promoted EXTRAMOENIA, an important cultural performance projected by a group of teachers. School groups, theatre companies, scholars from Sicily and Calabria gathered in Giardini Naxos for theatre representations and conferences .
In the next years Giardini will welcome all the most expressive school experiments on the chosen topic- "Classicism on the threshold of the third millennium".

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We have suggested

Il Teatro della Memoria - The memory Theatre

as a title.


We are planning a subject based on film director Marco Solari's experience which is represented in the Cd rom 'Percorsi Cifrati' edited by Centro Multimediali Regione Lazio.

Inspired by The art of Memory by Frances Yates, our tale deals with an imaginary meeting between a follower of Erasmo da Rotterdam's and Giulio Camillo.
The scholarly disquisitions of the famous Venetian philosopher about his extraordinary project on the Theatre of Memory, inspired by an ancient knowledge, are set in the Greek theatre.
The meeting in the theatre represents the conflict between two different mental types, two different Renaissance ways of getting to the knowledge through art and science.
Viglio represents Erasmus, the learned humanist who attacked the occultism of the period because of his character and education, while Camillo expresses the Renaissance interest in occult science.
The subject wants to be an attempt to sum up the knowledge of the hisory and ancient civilizations conveyed through art work.
Through the interactive vision of the Cd rom we want to offer a sensorial and cognitive immersion in the product. We suggest the idea of living a place, a theatre and its 'holes' as it happens in the theatre of memory , as in the one proposed by Robert Fludd inspired by the Shakespearean Globe Theatre.
According to Fludd and Giordano bruno, memory must be lived as a place where you have to orientate yourself.
The artificial theatre in the computer graphics will be populated by objects to relate with, to be clicked in order to get audiovisual information.
There will be two doors: the first will open into a 'memory room' where each place gets to a multimedia hint while the other will open into 'abyss' a virtual area where you can play.
The theatre we imagine is one which - according to an incresing trend - is based on the use of different languages and on the action of different visual and sound elements, a theatre which expresses the dynamics of our brain more than the static nature of the literary and drama forms; so it looks like a multimedia hypertext .
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Project Organization


Choices of the subjects