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Past - Present - Future


Fate - Need - Magic - Will - Surreality - Freedom

These are the mysterious noted written on the back of Brauner's painting called 'The Surrealist' in Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice.
From the fairy scenes collected, as in a game, in J.Cornewll's boxes to the restless dream in J.Pollock's action painting, to M. Ernst's visionary world, the Art Gallery in Palazzo Venier dei Leoni shows the modern artistic trend which explores those aspects of knowledge boarding on esoterism, dream psychology and esperimentations, on the recovery of the most ancient root of visual language.
What can the Gugeenheim Collection images suggest to our modern sensibility?

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The theme of the journey to recover the old silent but expressive memories of this place , is both the leitmotiv and the icon of this work where the two young protagonists Rodha and Claudio act against the scenery of the modern art collection in Palazzo Venier dei Leoni in Venice.
The theme can be expressed in a multimedia language, since the places, the events, the characters can be seen as a Chinese boxes game .
The tale can be read on different levels, for its refernces, for its passage from the paintings to the protagonists and viceversa.
A set of mirrors where you have to orientate yourself - a sort of Alice in Wonderland's story in the wonderful world of multimedia- going from a window to another - as it happens for example in the paint box of Greenway films, or as on our computer monitor while surfing a program.
That is why we suggest to translate the paper work in a Cd rom to be seen and read easily and to be appreciated as an original hyper-media work for its scenic background ,sets, music, graghic elaboration etc.

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