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Indice per Argomenti

Abuso e Maltrattamento
Disagio familiare, Separazioni e Affido dei Minori
Danno Biologico e Psicologico,Mobbing
Giustizia Minorile
Psichiatria Penitenziaria


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Abuso e Maltrattamento

Jérome Laederach  (PM, 22 Marzo 2000)
- Riflessioni sugli abusi sessuali nel bambino: studio in prevalenza di Ginevra


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Strano M., Gotti V., Germani P, Quarello D., Buzzi R.
- La pedofilia e Internet -

Della Marianna M., Verrengia A.
- Una ricerca sulla pedofilia in internet: bambini virtuali in rete -


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Danno Biologico e Psicologico, Mobbing

Mario Meucci
- Risarcimento  del  danno  alla  professionalità e  del  danno  biologico -

Rodolfo Berti
- Il danno psichico e il danno psicologico ai confini del danno esistenziale -

Gianmarco Cesari
- Le decisioni e gli schemi del ricorso contro i limiti al risarcimento del danno alla persona posti dal recente DL 70/200 -

 Bruno Sechi
- I danni derivanti dal Mobbing -

 Giuseppe Napolitano,  Guido Buonocore
- Mobbing. Un  problema nel problema -

PierGuido Soprani
- La sindrome da mobbing -

 Riccardo Atanasio
- Il Mobbing nella Giurisprudenza -

Andrea Sirotti Gaudenzi
- Il Mobbing aziendale -
 (Considerazioni sulla sentenza emessa dal Tribunale di Torino – Sez. Lavoro – dep. il 16.11.99)


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Disagio familiare  - Separazioni e Affido dei Minori

Annamaria Bernardini De Pace  (Avvocato, Foro di Milano)
- La denuncia di abuso nel contesto dell'azione giudiziaria di separazione -


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Emanuele Bonasia
- Il Figlicidio -
Analisi psicosocioculturale sul figlicidio
(Articolo tratto da )  - La guerra, la morte e il figlicidio - (a cura di) Psychomedia


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Psychiatry 2000 Fall;63(3):264-87

        Matricide: primal aggression in search of self-affirmation.

        Holcomb WR.

        Behavioral Health Concepts, Inc., Victoria Park, 2716 Forum Blvd., Suite 4, Columbia, MO, USA.


                       Three major theories of matricide are presented and critiqued using epidemiological data, case
                       studies, and descriptive research. The strengths and weaknesses of psychoanalytic theory,
                       family systems theory, and cognitive behaviorism in explaining matricide are described. The
                       social-interaction theory of violence and, in particular, self-affirmation motive is presented as the
                       most helpful perspective for understanding murder of the mother. This review covers those
                       concepts within psychoanalysis, cognitive behaviorism, and family systems theory that have
                       historically been used to understand matricide and is not a critique of modern psychoanalysis,
                       cognitive behaviorism or family systems theory. Matricide occurs in less than 1% of all
                       homicides. Offenders are heterogeneous in their characteristics with at least three different
                       types. Most prominent characteristics across matricide types are severe mental illness, a
                       domineering mother, a hostile-dependent relationship with the mother, a passive or withdrawn
                       father, and over kill behavior. Self-affirmation motive suggests several interventions to prevent
                       violence against the mother or its equivalents. The author makes several conclusions about the
                       nature of human aggression and family dysfunction.

J. Forensic Sci. 1999 Jul;44(4):746-9

            Adolescent sexual matricide following repetitive mother-son incest.

        Schlesinger LB.

            John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York, New York, USA.


                       A case of a 16-year-old male who committed a sexual matricide following years of mother-son
                       incest is reported. After murdering his mother by strangulation, which itself was sexually
                       arousing, the youngster engaged in both vaginal and anal necrophilia. The homicide occurred
                       while the perpetrator was in a dissociative state and experiencing what has been referred to as a
                       catathymic crisis: the sudden release of emotionally charged psychic conflict and tension,
                       resulting in extreme violence within an interpersonal bond. Discussion of maternal image and
                       maternal sexual conduct in relationship to the psychosexual development of adolescent males
                       offers insight into the motivation in this extremely rare case.

Ann Med Psychol (Paris) 1994 Oct;152(8):497-510

            Three cases of matricide

        [Articolo in francese]

        Fontaine I, Guerard des Lauriers A.

            INSERM U302, Professeur Widlocher, Psychiatrie (Adultes), Hopital de la Salpetriere, Paris.


                       The matricide is defined as the murder of the mother by her son or her daughter. The term of
                       parricide is also used. Matricide is not a specific mental disease. The study of three original
                       cases leads to classify two of them as psychiatric disorders, legal authority is applicable to the
                       last. The first category contains a wide spectrum of psychiatric diagnosis and could be
                       successfully controlled by treatment. Those cases fall in the article 64 of the French Law at the
                       moment of the murder. The second category consists of perverse individuals responsible of their
                       actions and hardly curable by treatment. These cases are abandoned to Justice. The "parricide"
                       represents 2.54% of murders, the matricide 0.68%.

Med Sci Law 1993 Oct;33(4):325-8

 Matricide: the schizophrenic crime?

Clark SA.

Murray Royal Hospital, Perth.


                      The aim of the study was to further examine the view that matricide is 'the schizophrenic crime'
                       (Gilles, 1965). This report represents a comprehensive, retrospective and national study of all
                       individuals in Scotland who, between 1957 and 1987 inclusive, were charged with the murder
                       or the culpable homicide of their biological mother. Files of High Court indictments were
                       examined for the relevant years to identify offenders prior to disposal, and individuals were
                       followed up with respect to diagnosis and disposal. Twenty-six (twenty-three men and three
                       women) were convicted of the murder or culpable homicide of their biological mother. Only 50
                       per cent (thirteen subjects) were known to the State Hospital, Carstairs. Six (24 per cent)
                       subjects suffered from schizophrenia, seven (24 per cent) were given no diagnosis, five (20 per
                       cent) suffered from personality disorder, four (16 per cent) from the alcohol dependence
                       syndrome, three (12 per cent) from depressive illness, and one (4 per cent) from hypomania.
                       Thus, whilst schizophrenia is over-represented in this subgroup of offenders, matricide should
                       not be viewed as the schizophrenic crime. Given the prevalence of mental disorder in this group,
                       pre-trial assessment by a Forensic Psychiatrist should be mandatory.


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Giustizia Minorile

Elisabetta Ciuffo, Alessandro De Iacobis, Simona Iaconella
- Lo Psicologo Clinico nei Servizi della Giustizia Minorile


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Psichiatria Penitenziaria

Editoriale di Carlo Valitutti  (PM, 24 Ottobre 1997)
- Libertà o vincolo?

Carlo Valitutti e Antonio Piro (PM, 22 Novembre 1997)
- Il ricovero psichiatrico in carcere: analisi di un'esperienza -

Carlo Valitutti  (PM, 29 Gennaio 1998)
- Dubbi di confine -

Daniele Rondanini  (PM, 27 Febbraio 1998)
- L'educatore in carcere: ruoli e compiti formativi -

Carlo Valitutti  (PM, 22 Giugno 1999)
- Aids in carcere, identità in crisi. Emozioni, malattia, diversità -


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Paolo Capri e Anita Lanotte (PM, 23 giugno 2000)
- I test proiettivi in ambito giudiziario: limiti e possibilità di utilizzo -

Matthew R. Baity (1); P. Scott McDaniel (2); Mark J. Hilsenroth (3)
- Further Exploration of the Rorschach Aggressive Content (AgC) Variable -
[ Journal of Personality Assessment   Aprile 2000  (Vol. n. 74: 231-241)


    Based on the recommendations of Baity and Hilsenroth (1999), this study further
    investigated the reliability and validity of the Rorschach Aggressive Content (AgC) variable
    developed by Gacono and Meloy (1994). Eighty-five aggressive objects identified by Gacono and
    Meloy, 19 potentially aggressive objects and 22 neutral (nonaggressive) objects were rated for
    aggressiveness based on the definition of AgC. Two hundred seventy-six participants rated objects
    on the Object Rating Scale (0-6), where a score of 0 indicates that an object does not fit the
    definition of AgC. In addition, objects rated a 4 (moderately aggressive) or higher were then
    classified into 5 qualitative groupings (weapons, animal/part of animal, environmental danger,
    fictional creature, and other). Analysis of the results indicates that the AgC list can be replicated
    and that objects rated as at least moderately aggressive (4) can be reliably classified into distinct
    categories. One-month test-retest reliability (r = .99) suggests that objects can be scored
    consistently using the definition of AgC and provides support for the utility of the AgC variable.
    Based on the results of this study, recommendations for the addition of the AgC variable to the list
    of content categories of Exner's (1993) Comprehensive System are presented and discussed along
    with scoring examples.

    Affiliations: (1): Department of Psychology, University of Arkansas ; (2): Department of Psychology,
    University of Arkansas ; (3): Department of Psychology, University of Arkansas.

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