ALDO FIORENZA autore dei seguenti romanzi:

"Piazza Fratelli Scholl"

"Dietrich Bonhoeffer"

"Il delitto di lesa mamma"

"La Creazione"

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Aldo Fiorenza - novelist

The author's biography 

Born in Trapani. Aldo Fiorenza, who has completely dedicated his life to writing, has produced a series of literary works ( novels, short stories, plays for the theatre, poems and essays), which have rarely been published.

Over the past years, the author has become fervently interested in the reconstruction of historical events surrounding the Second World War. He has felt an extreme need and, above all, a moral duty to make the public aware of these facts, in all their human and heroic authenticity - events which are particularly tragic and "filled only with  shadows", in other words hiding too many awkward truths. The author is particularly interested in enlightening people about two of the most tragic events of the Second World War which are still shrouded in mystery, through the three literary works listed below:

 1) "Scholl Brothers Square" ( in German " Geschwister- Scholl-Platz")

It tells the story of the White Rose  ( La Rosa Bianca) - the story of a brother and sister, Hans and Sophie Scholl, both young students at Munich University, three of their university friends and one of their professors, who come to a tragic end on the guillotine for distributing anti-nazi leaflets. 

 2) His play " the story of the White Rose"  ( La storia della Rosa Bianca), recollects how the youths of the White Rose become mixed up in a conspiracy hatched by the German Secret Service, who exploit the youngsters and their resistance movement and then deliver them into the hands of the Gestapo and the People's Court, subsequently sending them to the guillotine. The play is written in the form of a dialogue with the off-stage narrator as the voice of the Secret Service.

 3) " Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the priest who loved God, Maria von Wedemeyer and who wanted to assassinate Hitler" ( il prete che amò Dio, Maria von Wedemeyer e che volle attentare alla vita di Hitler). 

The true story of the famous Protestant theologian ( and his family) who were hanged by the Nazis.The events take place over a period of time ( 1914-1945) and describe in great detail the historical background to Hitler's coming to power, ( it is narrated in the first person in various chapters), his absolute control in Germany,  Bonhoeffer and his church's opposition to the church of the Reich, and the various stages of the war ( including a detailed description of the Battle of Stalingrad). Some four hundred pages of the book are dedicated to the tragic and sentimental episodes of Bonhoeffer's love affair with Countess Von Wedemyer who spends the final three months of the war in various concentration camps, fruitlessly searching for her Dietrich.

 Aldo Fiorenza has also written the following novels:

 4) The crime of an injured mother ( Il delitto di lesa mamma).

 The story of a legal separation. 

 5)  The Creation ( La Creazione)

Contents of the novel - God comes down to Earth and starts attending a high school where he assumes the same age and personal identity, both physically and partly psychologically, as the other students. He regularly attends lessons, while challenging both the students' and the literature teacher's  ideas and opinions.


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