Mix used shoes
Hand Bags
     Our job consists in selecting shoes & hand bags according to their quality and their destination.
There are 4 kinds of quality: creme, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice.
We put the selected shoes and hand bags in sacks of 24 or 25 Kg.
The contents of the bags depends from customer to customer. Someone want that we do sacks dividing the men shoes from the women shoes, the children shoes and the winter shoes, others, instead, prefer that we do mixed sacks.

     We prepare containers of 20 feet or 40 feet. The destination of each container is very important because to different places correspond different kind of shoes.

We are looking for customers that are interested in this kind of job in Est Europe, in Africa and in the Middle Orient. We'll be glad to receive your visits here in Milan and to show you our goods.

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