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C.I.S.P.P. (Centro Internazionale Studi Psicodinamici della Personalità).

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(in English)   PCCA - Partners in Confronting Collective Atrocities, is a registered non profit organization.

Partners in Confronting Collective Atrocities works towards developing strategies to engage with the internal legacy of past atrocities that can contribute to opening up the possibility of a more hopeful future
The aim of the organization is to work through the effects of the Holocaust and of national and international conflicts that lead to destructive escalation, in the service of a better understanding among the nations worldwide.

This goal shall be attained through planning, preparing, organizing and evaluating of conferences in accordance with the Group Relations model, which serve the purpose of working through events at a personal and especially at a group level, as well as through publications which make the concepts and outcomes of this work public.

The Holocaust appears to have cast a very long shadow, its most immediate impact being to poison the relationship between Germans and Jews. It was hoped that once the full extent of the genocide that lay at the heart of the Nazi project, together with details of the many levels of atrocity associated with it, were fully exposed, their sheer horror would contribute to a determination never again to allow such trains of events to be set in motion. Sadly, this hope has not been realized. Since the end of World War II we have witnessed worldwide, seemingly unstoppable cycles of inter-group hatred and violence - ethnic, religious and cultural. Are we doomed to repeat these destructive patterns endlessly, or is it possible to engage with the legacy of the past in such a way that it opens up the possibility of a better and more hopeful future?

Partners in Confronting Collective Atrocities works towards developing strategies to engage with the legacy of past and present atrocities so as to open up possibilities for a more hopeful future. It grew out of the recognition of a group of German and Israeli psychoanalytic colleagues that their ability to relate to and to work with the Other was seriously constrained by the legacy of the Holocaust. Unconscious hatred on the part of victims and their descendants, and guilt on the part of the descendents of perpetrators, seemed to live on as insurmountable obstacles. Could a setting be devised where such forces could be engaged honestly and safely? Would such an engagement make a difference?

These experiential working conferences - sometimes referred to as The "Nazareth" Conferences after the venue of the first ones - began as a response to this challenge. The Tavistock Group Relations model, which integrates psychoanalytic and systems approaches, was specially adapted to create a setting in which experiences relating to the Holocaust that are ordinarily disowned could be discovered, voiced and comprehended. For each group the physical presence of the other served to bring to the fore complex and difficult feelings that included painful and entrenched group enmity, hatred, prejudice, cruel persecution and unbearable shame and guilt; once in the open they became available to be worked on. The work that takes place is therefore intensely personal, forging new bonds of trust across old divides, and allowing participants to examine the ways in which the legacy of the past, alive within, bedevils the current relationships of individuals and groups.

Developing insight into how the burdens of the past are alive within us, within the experiential conference setting, has helped many individuals to move on to a more hopeful future. We believe that such individual movement fosters group movement, and PCCA's experiential conferences will continue to serve these aims. In addition to the German/Jewish core issues, however, there has been a growing awareness of the need to work on newly invoked enmities (e.g., Arab/Jew; Muslim/Jew-Christian; Palestinian/Israeli), which have particular urgency in light of the dangerous escalation of armed conflict in our world. We strongly believe that the model we have developed can be used to work on some of these more pressing flashpoints in our world today, to shed light on what is going on, and to contribute towards building a better future.

(in English)  The European Association for Transcultural Group Analysis (EATGA) is an association of group analysts founded in 1986. It aims to promote research into the cultural foundations of groups and of personality, and to further intercultural exchanges between group analysts, psycho-analysts and professional psychotherapists. It currently has full members and corresponding members of many European nationalities and one corresponding member of the United States.
Sito web del dott. ALBERTO ANGELINI 

 Il sito web del dott. Angelini, psicoanalista della Società Psicoanalitica Italiana, contiene molti articoli che oltre che riguardare la psicoanalisi e la sua storia (in particolare della psicoanalisi russa) concernono il cinema con numerose recensioni nell'ottica psicoanalitica.

Polemos. (indirizzo web

Polemos è una scuola di formazione e studi sui conflitti.
Scuola è ogni situazione e relazione in cui si esprime l'educazione, l'atto di educare, del lasciare esprimere le diversità specifiche e distintive di ognuno.
L'apprendimento che emerge dalla relazione è un continuo processo di elaborazione del conflitto.
Polemos è quindi un luogo di incontro, studio, ricerca ed educazione sugli aspetti intrapsichici, interpersonali, gruppali, collettivi e istituzionali del conflitto.

L’idea è quella di affrontare dal punto di vista scientifico e applicativo, il tema del conflitto, troppo spesso confinato sia dalla ricerca tradizionale che dal senso comune solo nel campo delle crisi e dei disturbi relazionali e sociali.

Aiutare a riconoscere la natura costitutiva del conflitto, la sua dimensione generativa, all’interno delle relazioni umane, è il primo obiettivo che il gruppo si pone. Lo studio dei conflitti  non riguarda pertanto soltanto l’analisi degli aspetti patologici ma si rivolge particolarmente ai vincoli e alle possibilità di carattere conoscitivo e operativo che emergono dalle situazioni conflittuali.

 Dal punto di vista dell’approfondimento teorico, Polemos lavora per la valorizzazione e l’ulteriore elaborazione dell’esperienza sviluppatasi negli anni ’70 attorno al gruppo Anti H, i cui principali esponenti furono Franco Fornari, Luigi Pagliarani, Gaston Bouthoul e Gianni Pellicciari.

Il percorso di ricerca e azione, al fine di costruire una teoria evolutiva del conflitto, si orienta all’elaborazione di un approccio neodisciplinare basato sui contributi delle scienze del riconoscimento e delle scienze della contingenza storica, valorizzando i contributi di aree quali la psicologia, le scienze della mente, l’antropologia, l’epistemologia, la scienza delle organizzazioni, l’economia, la geopolitica, la scienza della politica.

Questi orientamenti sono stati descritti nel testo Manifesto Polemos, scritto da Ugo Morelli, che testimonia anche la continuità tra il gruppo Anti H e Polemos.

 Polemos è una realtà autorganizzata che agisce su base volontaria. Si innesta su precedenti esperienze nate attorno allo Studio Akoé di Trento e all’Associazione per la  Ricerca sulla Conoscenza e l’Apprendimento che dello Studio è espressione.


"Kainòs". Rivista telematica di critica filosofica.

Si segnala in particolare il n.°2 della rivista intitolato "L'esperienza dell'altro" a cui rimandiamo al link


Art thérapie (da Psy désir
Art-Thérapie : Thérapie et Créativité
Art-Thérapie : Thérapie et Créativité
Art-Thérapie : Sociétés
Art-Thérapie : Sociétés
Art-Thérapie : Textes théoriques
Art-Thérapie : Textes théoriques
Art-Thérapie : Formation et Textes théoriques
Art-Thérapie : Formation et Textes théoriques

Sites référencés
Art Thérapie
Art Thérapie, psychiatrie, Bibliothèque2 : psychisme de l’un à l’autre, "Psy désir" au coeur du psychisme

Links di ARTE-TERAPIA (da




Siti di segnalazione eventi artistici:





Art et Psychiatrie : publications "Psy-desir"



-  Les délires de Salvodor Dali Les moustaches de Dali, les montres molles de Dali, sa façon incroyable de rouler les "r", autant de clichés destinés à verrouiller l'icône publicitaire du maître, à en faciliter la convocation immédiate par le souvenir. sur Le Monde Informatique

-  Van Gogh Bipolaire ? D'après Mary Powers 13 07 02 Source sur Psythere Rédaction Publication e-mail

-  Foucault et la folie comme absence d'oeuvre par Chaim Samuel Katz sur les Etats généraux de la psychanalyse e-mail de la coordination dans la rubrique Le Rapport de la Psychanalyse à l'art, la littérature, la philosophie

-  L'épilepsie de Vincent van Gogh Dietrich Blumer

-  Le dédoublement paroxysmal comme séparation du monde dans " L'idiot " de Dostoievski Claire PLUYGERS

-  Le paroxysmal dans l'art fichier .doc

-  L' homme paroxysmal chez Dostojevski Iwona Nidecka-Bator

-  La face cachée de l'amour : Investigation philosophique de la tragédie, à la lumière de la psychanalyse par Denise Maurano Psychanalyste, Docteur en Philosophie Université Paris XII, Prof. D.E. de l'Université Federal de Juiz de Fora MG, auteur du livre Nef du Désir, RJ, ed. Relume Dumará, 1999. sur les Etats Généraux de la Psychanalyse e-mail de la coordination

-  La construction du jeu de l'acteur et la cure analytique par Jean-Pierre Bourgeron Nathalie Redlus sur les Etats Généraux de la Psychanalyse e-mail de la coordination

-  Le secret, l'éthique et la pratique des ateliers d'écriture dans l'espace intersectoriel de création artistique de Montfavet (84) par Simone Molina sur les Etats Généraux de la Psychanalyse e-mail de la coordination

-  Voyage au centre de la mère : Sublimation ou écrit en folie par Mona Gauthier sur les Etats Généraux de la Psychanalyse e-mail de la coordination



Resources by Steven Thow

(articoli apparsi su "The write brain":

(Please report any dead links to


Are Creativity and Mental Illness Linked?
This article was originally printed in the December 1996 issue of Today's Science On File.

Art Museum of the Mind
Two articles on artists who have had psychiatric problems.
On location: Filmmaker Jessica Yu focuses on psychiatric patients and their creative forum.

Author Sees Mood Swings in Great Leaders - The Seattle Times, April 2, 1997
by staff reporter Mary Elizabeth Cronin

Behaviour: Moods and the Muse
by Bruce Bower ScienceNewsOnline - June 17, 1995
A new study reappraises the link between creativity and mental illness

Blessings From the Dark Side
Gifted writer turns manic-depression into a path to wisdom
This is a book review of Kaye Gibbons' book, "Sights Unseen." But it's more than a review, taking a look at how the author channels manic depression into a creative river of prose.
by Joan Smith, Examiner Book Editor, San Fransisco Examiner

Bright Lights Film Journal: Dialogues with Madwomen
What does it mean to be a madwoman and an artist in American society? A review of the documentary Dialogues with Madwomen and an interview with director Allie Light.

Creative Process & Depression
Firsthand Essay (author unknown)

Creativity and Depression and Manic-Depression
Studies of Writers and Artists Reports published in Smooth Sailing on talks by Kay Redfield Jamison at symposiums co-sponsored by DRADA.

Creativity and Mental Illness
Ask the Expert - Mental Health InfoSource

Creativity and Psychopathology
Antonio Preti is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist who lives in Italy. A Serendip visitor, Antonio was asked to write about his work and The Gift of Saturn ...

Creativity and the Troubled Mind
by Constance Holden
Reprinted from Psychology Today, April, 1987

Creativity, Depression and Suicide
For several centuries, stories of famous painters, writers and musicians who were depressed and took their lives made people wonder. Only in the last 25 years has scientific evidence demonstrated that creative people are more vulnerable to depression and suicide ...

Creativity, Evolution and Mental Illnesses
Antonio Preti and Paola Miotto; CMG, Psychiatry branch
Mental representations, or memes, transform the space in which they evolve. In a recent paper on this topic, Liane Gabora stated: "culture not only affects biological fitness through its effects on behaviour... but it dramatically modifies the biological world" ...

Depression, Women and Creativity
by Douglas Eby
Although there may not be any inherent connection, mood disorders often impact creative expression ...

Depression, Women, and Creativity
by Douglas Eby
AOL, Online Psych, December 1996

Depression, Women and Creativity
by Douglas Eby
Perspectives - Mental Health Net

Discover Magazine, October 1996 - That Fine Madness
This article takes an in-depth look at the link between bipolar disorder and creativity. It examines studies, and looks at both the positive and negative aspects of the issue.

Executive Lifestyle, 30 Nov 1998 - Of Madness and Creative Genius
by Abigail Trafford
Reflections on Van Gogh's painting and pain.

Facts about Depression and Other Mood Disorders: Creativity & Mood Disorders The Clarke Institute of Psychiatry

Genius or Madness: Creativity as Hereditary Flaw
by Steve Mizrach - Undercurrent

Great Depressed Minds
Ask the Expert - Mental Health InfoSource

In a Creative Mood
by Kay Redfield Jamison
The Harvard Mental Health Letter, December 1989
Mood disorders and patterns of creativity in British writers and artists.

Madness and Creativity - Science Frontiers #98, Mar-Aprl 1995
by William R. Corliss
The observation that creativity and genius are often allied with psychiatric problems is an ancient one ...

Manic Depression (Bipolar) and Creativity - Scientific American
by Kay Redfield Jamison

Manic Depression and Creativity by D. Jablow Hershman & Julian Lieb, M.D.
Many recognized geniuses had creative capacities that were driven by bouts of manic intensity followed by the depths of mind-numbing despair ... [Book Review]

Manic-Depressive Illness and Creativity
by Kay Redfield Jamison - From Scientific American
Several studies now show that creativity and mood disorders are linked ...

Mental Disturbance and Creative Achievement
by Arnold M. Ludwig
The Harvard Mental Health Letter, March 1996

Mood Swings and Creativity: New Clues - Science News October 24, 1987
For centuries there has been speculation that creativity is somehow linked to "insanity" or mental illness, although scientific studies of the suspected connection are sparse.

Mood Swings and Everyday Creativity
by Ruth Richards, MD, PhD
The Harvard Mental Health Letter, April 1992

0n Being Eccentric
NewsHour Online March 22, 1996 Transcript
David Gergen, editor-at-large of "U.S. News & World Report," engages David Weeks, a clinical neuro-psychologist and co-author of Eccentrics: A Study of Sanity and Strangeness

Quotations about Genius, Talent and Creativity
Personality, Biology & Society - Quotes XVII
Using quotations from academic and more popular writing, P, B & S provides a guide to the thirty main topics of differential psychology (the study of human psychological differences).

The Contribution of Psychiatry to the Study of Creativity:
Implications for AI Research
by Antonio Preti, MD; Paola Miotto, MD; CMG, Psychiatry branch

The Development of Kleinian Aesthetics
by Nicola Glover
Chapter Three - Psychoanalytic Aesthetics: The British School

The Gift of Saturn: Creativity and Psychopathology
by Antonio Preti, MD
A Serendip visitor, Antonio was asked to write about his work and The Gift of Saturn: Creativity and Psychopathology is the result.

The Harvard Mahoney Neuroscience Institute Letter
Vol. 2, Special Issue On The Brain - Questions & Answers

The Hypomania/Creativity Connection: The Creative Genius!
(aka: The Manic Advantage)

The Influence of Depression on Creativity in Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Jesse's Spring Quarter Research Paper

The Vital Role of Adaptive Grandiosity in Artistic Creativity
by Peter Wolson, Ph.D.

The Writer and Depression
by Elizabeth Moon - MoonScape

Van Gogh/Creativity - The Stress Doc Letter
January 1999, No 3

Van Gogh, Prozac and Creativity - The Stress Doc

Virginia Woolf: Manic-Depressive Psychosis and Genius
An illustration of separation-individuation theory.
by AH Bond - J Am Acad Psychoanal Apr 13, 1985
An interesting and disturbing psychoanalytic approach to the paradoxical, brilliant Virginia Woolf.

Virginia Woolf's Psyciatric History: Summary and Site Guide

Writers and Alcohol
by Ann Waldron - The Washington Post March 14, 1989

Writers and Depression
by Nancy Etchemendy - Speculations

Writers and Mental Illness
by Alison Sinclai, January 28, 1998


Emily Dickinson Poems
from the Columbia University Bartleby Library

Emily Dickinson's Letters
by Thomas Wentworth Higginson from The Atlantic Unbound

Gerard Manley Hopkins - Poet Laureate
Edited with notes by Robert Bridges

The Poetical Works of John Keats

Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley

Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman



Direttore Responsabile : Giuseppe Leo

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