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New Age Books 2

by Annalisa & Giampiero Cara

A new spirituality (and new science) classic, written by the founder of the famous Esalen Institute, where every year thousands of people from all over the world study and practice a new vision of man and his potentialities (see also the article Birthing a New Human). Here the subject is treated in a rigorous and well documented manner. In this "Explorations into the Further Evolution of Human Nature", you will find proof of man's transformational ability, with detailed examples, taken from history, of ways in which attributes we define as human evolve in metanormal capabilities - from yogic practices and catholic mystical phenomena to sports and hypnosis. In the third and last part of the book, the author outlines the essential elements of various transformative practices, to allow the reader to experience directly what he describes. An absolutely fascinating book that anybody interested in "new thinking" should have.

Michael Murphy

The Future of the body

J.P. Tarcher

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Michael Murphy: "The Future of the Body"


If you want to know everything about Shambhala, the mythical garden of Eden in the snowy mountains in Central Asia (even James Redfield talks about it in his most recent "celestinian" book, The Secret of Shambhala), a place where universal wisdom, peace and immortality reign, then you read this extremely well documented and fascinating book. Writing about Shambhala, "the heart center of the Planet" and "the spiritual power station of the world" according to various esoteric traditions, the author analyzes a net of recurring analogies and references in human culture, in order to discover, as the subtitle says, "The Fascinating Truth Behind the Myth of Shangri-La". In fact, Lepage touches many important subjects, including Nicholas Roerich's expedition and its discoveries, the cryptic theories and information offered by the french sufi René Guénon, the underground city of Agarttha, the theosophical theories, Meru - the sacred mountain that Mircea Eliade calls "the navel of the world" - the field of universal energy, "mystical geography", the Kalachakra - the whole body of scientific, prophetical and mystical tantric scriptures - the "hidden government", the cabalistic Tree of Life, shamanism, egyptian mythology, Atlantis, UFO, alternative science. The author's central theory is that Shambhala - with its unifying symbolic force and its real, immense power - will become the great icon of the new millennium, the paradigm of the future, thus reshaping civilization as we know it.

Victoria Lepage


Quest Books

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Victoria Lepage: "Shambhala"


This "Spiritual Toolbox for Using Angelic Guidance in Everyday Life" is divided in various parts: there are 36 messages by the 12 Archangels of the Central Soul in the first part, the six books of the Angels' Treasure in the second, the Angels' Letters in the third and an Angels Glossary in the fourth. There are also many exercises, mostly visualizations (accompanied by music in the audio part of this work) and a good deal of practical advice. The bearer of so much information is Belinda Womack, a therapist who's been applying for years the principles of Angel Therapy to her clients(see our interview with Doreen Virtue for more information). This book channeled by Belinda Womack from the Archangels of the Central Soul deals with many subjects, even offering a sort of cosmogony in which the Archangel Lucifer, following Mother Father God's directions, initiates the divine game of illusion.

Belinda Womack

Angels Guide (1 w/Audio CD edition)

Angels Guide Books

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Belinda Womack: "Angels Guide"


In the introduction to this extraordinary "New Science" classic, based on the revolutionary theories of scientists like Karl Pribram and David Bohm, the author says he hopes that the ideas he shares in the book will change the way in which we see the world. In fact, the hypothesis of Holographic Science - a model in which the universe is compared to an hologram, a 3D image projected into space through a laser beam - can explain, in a completely new way, not only the "mysteries" of quantic physics, but also the so-called paranormal phenomena, mystical and miraculous experiences and time travel. If we can let go of the limiting assumptions about the nature of reality we are addicted to, this book will help us perceive a Universe governed by free will, in which we can express our creativity in ways far beyond what we thought possible.

Michael Talbot

The Olographic Universe

Harperennial Library

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Michael Talbot: "The Holograpic Universe"


It's time to let go of the old, unsatisfactory way of thinking about power, if we want to live a new life based on personal responsibility and freedom. A limiting image of power has kept us away from it for a long time, determining our choice to give away our power to external and often abusing authorities. At this point, it is essential to revise our notion of power completely in all our relationships. And this book offers inspiring advice on how to do so, helping us to change our judgement on personal power, and to open up to a more responsible life. Avoiding simplistic slogans or bland discourses, this little manual makes us see power under a new light, talking about it with a practical approach, like a sort of "intensive course". A very useful text, which we recommend.

John T. Wood

The Little Blue Book of Power

Zen N Ink Pub.

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The Little Book of Power

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