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Mixed Messages

Gary Brantly from Buena Vista, Colorado (USA) shares his thoughts on an important aspect of one's spiritual transformation. What kind of messages are we sending to our "unconscious" part? Are we flooding it with too many messages? Are these messages consistent or often contrasting? Do they really help us grow? And most importantly, are we feeding our whole Self or just parts of it? Let's take a closer look...

There are body changes, emotional changes, mental changes, spiritual Changes going on right now during this special spiritual time. Some call this Time a special dispensation. Some call it a "window". There are lots of names.

No matter what name we use, it is a special time when the Holy Spirit is pouring out in higher frequencies than ever and will only increase, I believe. My intention here is to give us the picture of what is happening and why and what we can do about it and how to latch on to the Spirit and take off! Explanations that are too complicated just add to the problems. I need SIMPLE! My subconscious needs SIMPLE! My cells need SIMPLE! Let's go!

I was thinking that our consciousnesses at this time are growing leaps and bounds. We are feeding our consciousnesses night and day with discourses, books, contemplations, chats, sharings with friends.

The body which I want to include not only the physical body, but the emotional, mental, spiritual is having trouble keeping up with these new HIGHER FREQUENCIES and orders from COMMAND CENTRAL.

The cells and groups of cells are used to very little change for long periods of time, and I guess you can say even from their cell memory from past lives. Then along comes this special dispensation... BAM! They are barraged with all kinds of new and powerful, charged thoughts, higher frequency thoughts and commands. It takes time for the body to "get it together".

Can you imagine what the cells must be thinking when for so long they have been sent the message daily that they are limited, unhappy, worthless, unsuccessful or mediocre or satisfied but perhaps not feeling fulfilled or feeling like they are not living up to their potential.

Then, all of a sudden, they are getting MIXED messages. They are receiving messages from COMMAND CENTRAL that they are DIVINE, gods if you will, but the conviction is not there. The cells and groups of cells are in confusion... Therefore, a manifestation appears as a body change, physical, emotional, etc.

As the conviction strengthens, the adjustment will be smoother and smoother. We are not just spirit, we are a package and must take care of the total package. We can't just feed one part and not the others. We want to do something for our physical body, our emotional body, our mental body, our spiritual body. Feed them too. The Holy Spirit wants to express ITSELF through all these bodies, not just one.

Become aware of your bodies. Address your body and cells. Talk to them. Prepare them for change. Express your love for them. Tell your body that higher frequencies are coming everyday and will increase. Ask them to accept these frequencies smoothly. As the thoughts you send become of a higher and higher frequency nature, your cells will begin responding. The message will be clearer. They will know what to do. The mixed messages will disappear.

Ever feel dragged out, sad, etc., and then some good news comes. Suddenly you feel so wonderful your body literally vibrates with happiness. Your body and cells are responding to your happiness.

I learned a number of years ago that I have to be responsible for seeing that I am happy. I can't depend on Anyone or anything to make me happy and to unfold me. No "socials" are going to make me want to pursue my unfoldment. It is ME. It is YOU who have to find what makes you happy and want to continue your unfoldment and when you see yourself unfolding, the momentum increases. The desire increases. The excitement increases. The enthusiasm increases. The energy increases. Those old poisonous toxins of sadness, melancholy, indifference, doubt, anger, flee.

When I learn a new subject, I literally SATURATE myself with everything that I can find about the subject. I LIVE the subject, EAT the subject, DRINK the subject, drive everybody crazy with the subject until it is INTERNALIZED...then move on. It is INTERNALIZED, EXTERNALIZED, and ETERNALIZED.

It is the same with discovering your DIVINE SELF. Focus on it, identify with it, merge with IT until it is internalized. One day you will awake and exclaim! I am IT! "I and the Father are one!" It will be INTERNALIZED, EXTERNALIZED, AND ETERNALIZED!

Talking about "mixed messages", this painting by the German artist Heita Copony, taken from her book Das Mysterium des mandalas (Aquamarin Verlag, 1993), represents man's inner contradiction between the eternal life of the soul and a body apparently exposed to decline and death.

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