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Principles of Prosperity

by Salem (channeled through Diandra)

The basic principle stated in this inspiring and liberating channeled message is that, in order to manifest prosperity in our lives, first we must recognize that, in our earthly experience, we created everything, even poverty, from a state of abundance. So now, how can we create consciously what we really want?

This is Salem, and as always we come to you with the greatest of respect for humanity. As we begin to approach what it is that humanity terms as prosperity, we have a few basic things that we need to say to you to lay some groundwork. First of all everyone has their own definition of what being a prosperous individual means on this planet.

What is Prosperity?

Let us look at your belief system about prosperity; what it is, why you desire it, how you feel it enriches and enhances your life. Your belief system most especially in your culture, says you must work very hard to have what you believe accumulates into the 'good life,' or what you might call prosperity.

You may put good health into that category, a good relationship into that category, or you may not. Your belief of prosperity may be driven by how many toys you have, are you experiencing joy in your life, or by how much money is in the bank. It is your individual belief system, do you see.

But regardless of what that belief system may be, there is a core element, and the core element says, "How can I best enjoy my journey in this lifetime on this planet?" And if you define that you are in a state of enjoyment, you will undoubtedly define that you are also in a state of prosperity.

You are always in prosperity. If you stop and reflect upon your universe, if you look at the stars in the sky, the sand on the beach, the leaves on trees, you will see that this is an abundantly rich planet. There's always an abundance of new creative process taking place and you are the creator.

So you are continually creating in abundance. You always have prosperity. Wherever you focus your attention, it will grow. Focus on lack and it will grow. You will be a person prosperous in lack.

We are creators

It does not matter what you have in life. You are always looking for something more. Now, why is it that you are always looking for something more? Because you are a creator. And because you continually are creating. That is what your existence is about. Your existence is about creating.

Since you're continually creating and since there is an unlimited supply of raw material called energy that you create from your thought process and your sound brings this energy into a vibrational rate that creates something, tangible or intangible. It may be a feeling. It may be something that is intangible or it can be tangible. You are continually creating. Therefore prosperity is something that is yours.

Your belief system will most likely say, "Now if I am doing this, then why is everything not as I desire it to be?" Well, number one, you do have everything as you desire it to be. First you must recognize that and secondly, you must rejoice in that.

You tend to think if what is in your life at the present moment is enjoyable, you created it. If you think it is not enjoyable, then the blame is placed upon a group, society, something that happened to you, an accident, bad luck, your parents, your friends, or something else, because you surely would not have created ‘THIS’. You must be willing to look at your belief system in a very pragmatic way.

We ask you to examine your life objectively rather then subjectively. Detach from ‘the emotion’ of what is in your life today. There is an emotion attached to every creation.

Recognize you brought past life belief systems into this lifetime. The things you feel you create very easily is because they were easy to create in a past lifetime. So if it's easy for you to have good health, if it's easy for you to have a good relationship, money, a good career, if education was easy for you, whatever seemed to come to you easily, you probably laid some groundwork in a past life. Without giving it a conscious thought you're willing to accept that, "Yes, I created this."

If you look at your childhood, at your earliest remembrance of creation, you will find a clue to what you began to feel you could successfully create that would be positive in your life. So look at your creations as a child. Your belief systems in possibilities and limitation were greatly strengthened during your childhood experiences. Even though you are not consciously at every moment examining your belief system, you have a belief system about your own creative ability and your own creative power.

Prosperity and Work

Work is the key word that we want to talk about here for a moment. Does your belief system say there must be some kind of, (and you define the word ‘work’ for yourself), work that I must do to be prosperous.

First of all, do you believe that to have money you must work? Second, do you believe that to have a relationship you must work at it? To have a healthy body you must work at it?

Somewhere humanity's belief system, most especially in your culture, incorporates the word 'work' with 'prosperity' and they have nothing to do with each other. In fact work is extremely limiting. Work is something that you feel you must plow through in order to get where you desire to go. So much energy is put into the ‘work’ of it that you seldom actually achieve your goal.

Prosperity and work are not synonymous. They do not go hand in hand. To have and to enjoy prosperity is a natural flow of the soul and the spirit. It will never be achieved by work.

Because even if you reached every one of your goals that you set out to attain, the money in the bank, the perfect relationship, the perfect health, the perfect career, the house, the travel, the boat, whatever it might be, this will not make you feel prosperous in your soul. Somewhere you'll feel you missed a step. Because you put so much energy into working to getting here and now it doesn't bring the right rewards back to you.

Now, are we saying quit your job tomorrow, that somewhere, you're going to find the next million dollars on your door step? No. And we do not want to leave that image because you see, you have a need and a desire to be a productive individual on this planet. That is a creative process. And if that creative process is coming through your particular employment situation, this is good.

But do not equate your employment, your career, and your business with prosperity because they're not the same things and they'll never achieve the prosperity that you are looking for. Equate them as your creative expression on this planet.

Money as an exchange of energy

You see, money is just an exchange of energy. You get too hung up on money, my friends. There are many other ways to have your good than through money. But money is where you're secure because money is the societal-wide accepted exchange commodity.

If you have the money you are free to exchange it for whatever you desire. You know you might have a much richer experience by having an exchange where money never exchanges hands whatsoever.

Listen and open yourself to the opportunities that the universe gives to you through people, through experiences and through challenges that have nothing to do with the exchange of money.

So see your employment, your business, your career as your creative process. This is how you are choosing to primarily use your energy as a creative contribution to this planet. And we will say this to you if you're unhappy in that creative process, first of all most likely that energy will be counter productive and even if it produces money prosperity, it will be counter productive in one of the other areas in your life because you see it's not an energy that is truly contributing to your total good.

How do you want to express yourself creatively? Because when you find that niche, when you get up in the morning with a smile on your face, a song in your heart and you can't wait to greet the day, to begin whatever your productive contribution is to this planet, you have found how your soul truly chooses to express in this world.

It will not matter how much money you do or do not have. It will not be important. It will be important to you that you have the freedom of that creative expression. Because you see, for you to be on this planet the prime thing for you to do is to express your divinity. Express the creator. Express the creative process.

To enjoy prosperity in your life is to be in the flow with your soul and your spirit, expressing all that you uniquely are. When you are enjoying expressing you, the prosperity package is complete.

Prosperity begins in our thoughts

We are speaking to your belief systems. You must examine your belief systems in order to have a prosperous life on this planet. Give without expectation in your relationships. You can have all the money you want, you can be very healthy, you can have a good career, but if you feel you are not in prosperity in a relationship, it will take away a big slice of the pie for you and you will not feel prosperous on this planet.

Prosperity is not about doing. It's about letting the soul connected to the spirit have the power to bring about prosperity. Prosperity is creating the relationship that has equal exchange but not an expectation.

The new energies coming into your world support your re-awakening. Choose to move into the wonder that you are so that you can enjoy everything that you have created in this world. So you can enjoy this beautiful planet. So that you can enjoy the animals and the human beings that are here. So that you can enjoy your own creativity.

Your creations and prosperity begin with your thinking processes. Your limited understanding may focus upon all of your past pain, or the times in the past you felt you failed. This focus can never bring you the prosperity you desire.

Your belief system then searches for a way to create differently. Your mind says, "If I get the system and I do it just right, this will be my results." But it can never happen that way. So again you must examine your belief system. And so your soul says, "what can I do to get the most attention here."

Wherever your soul in agreement with your spirit and all your dimensional selves feel that you will begin to allow yourself to see your own beauty, your own reflection and flow with what you are that's where it will be reflected.

If you're a mental person, your belief systems are going to be very attacked mentally. You will find yourself going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, until you realize what's happening and make a choice.

If you're a very emotional, expressive person, then you're probably going to find your emotions are churning more; that you're high one day and low the next day. Your soul is crying out, "Hey, listen to me; go within; find out what it is all about." And if it's a physical challenge then it's probably because you're a rather active person and this will get your attention.

Examine your fears

Examining your belief system. That's the first thing you must do. We all have our own belief system. And you may think, "I believe in all of the lofty, spiritual, wonderful ideals that say I was born into prosperity and meant to live in abundance." Well, are you living it? That's the proof of the pudding.

And if you're living the principles, that is wonderful. Help others to do the same. But if you're not living in that beautiful golden arena of your own ability to live in the prosperity of all the beauty that this physical existence has to offer you, then examine your belief system.

Examine your fear. Reflect upon your limited thinking and your fears for that is the sentinel that stops you. Your biggest, biggest watchdog is your fears and your fears will always limit your possibilities. You have to begin to feel and think in possibilities. Know everything that is possible and the fact that you are creating prosperity all the time. You can't help but create. Since there is an abundance of raw material called energy, you create in abundance.

The question is where is your attention, and what is your belief system. If it's in struggle, if it's in limitation, if it's in feeling that you have limited possibilities, that's the prosperity you create.

You see there are many people who are very prosperous in their lack. They know how to do it so well, that they no more than heal one area of their lack, whatever it may be, than they create another, or re-create the same. They have become very good at creating lack in abundance and it's very easy for them to do.

Connect with your Soul

Look at your creations at this time to recognize them and take responsibility for your own creations. You first must be willing to do that. You are the creator of your prosperity. You are prosperous. You are born into a world that supports prosperity. Connect with your soul, recognize your beauty, and see your perfection, become acquainted with the divine you. Your soul will gladly give to you all the things that you desire.

The mind doesn't understand letting go and that will be your largest difficulty. The mind has no data for what we say, you must recognize that. The mind only has the data of experience and information. If there isn't enough background for the mind to accept a new principle, it will discard the possibility.

So until you have an experience, the mind has nothing to analyze. How do you go beyond the mind that desires to understand? You must have the faith to step forth into the experience. This then gives the mind something to understand. But recognize you have a belief system.

At times you may believe you're helpless. You believe, "I didn't create ‘this’. The bottom line is I wouldn't have brought this into my life. I just wouldn't have created this." You did. And you did it for a reason.

Quit resisting what you have created because what you are resisting is the pain you perceive the creation to be in your life. When you stop resisting your creation you will find the pain begins to dissipate whether that's emotional, mental, physical, monetary, relationships, or whatever it may be. Accept and love your creation just as it is.

Wherever you are at this moment of time, embrace it, love it, recognize it that it has meaningful purpose to you and if that is nothing more then to get your attention that you can have it different, that still has purpose. And then go to your soul. And you say, "How do I go to my soul?" You must learn to quiet the mind and the way we see humanity do this the most is through meditation. Enjoy your gift of unlimited possibilities. Accept your beauty and your greatness. You are the creator of ‘your world’. See your beauty and you will create beauty.

We leave you with the greatest of love. We are always here to help you. Just ask us because we cannot and would not interfere with your free will. When you ask we are here to help you with your journey and I am Salem.

Copyright © 1996 Diandra

Fortunata, the Angel of Prosperity

"Fortunata", the Angel of Prosperity, as painted by Jean Bernard


The channeler

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Meanwhile, let's introduce her. She is


Diadra, from the cover of her book " A New Day is Dawning"

She is an internationally recognized channeler and author of the book A New Day Is Dawning which reveals the keys to rediscovering the brilliant soul that you are and the inspiring future of our planet. You can read a few chapters of her book, as well as other inspiring material written or channeled by her at

Her 18 years of channeling experience has helped thousands find their inner truth and provided clarity in their lives. Among the loving energies she channels is Jesus, the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, Space Command, and Salem the Great Light who identifies himself as an ambassador to 44 levels of consciousness.

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