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Creating the Spiritual Movie of Your Life

by Lisa Venable

The "spiritual movie" we want to talk about this time is the one we stage for ourselves in our lives, based on our conscious or unconsciuous beliefs. We are not only the main actors of this movie, but also its authors and directors, so we can always decide to change the script, if we really intend to do so. Here's how.

Many of us long for more spiritual films, novels and theater to entertain us, but they are far and few between and rarely of Academy quality. We feel bored with our own lives, sometimes wishing for Hollywood to whisk us away to somebody else’s life of drama and excitement.

Well, guess what? Your life is a spiritual script, a drama for sure and a fascinating film that’s waiting to be edited. If you don’t believe me, please read on.

"Prince Charming" and other stories

“Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?” How familiar does this sound for countless generations of women who have believed their happiness will come when Prince Charming arrives!

Recently in one of my classes, this was the response a student gave when asked to describe her life as a movie title. This was the theme of her life, but she had never thought about how it was playing out against her. Her life was passing by as she lived by the script she believed would make her happy.

We all have a theme that drives our lives, but unfortunately most of us are unconscious of what it is. I dare say, if we knew what it was, we would want to change it! I have heard numerous of these themes or movie slogans over the years: “SuperWoman”; “Kissing Frogs”; “I eat, I drink, I breathe therefore I exist”; “The Unfair Life”; “Nobody Loves Me”; “The Martyr”; “Twilight Zone”; “The Follower”; “The World Against Me”; “Pillar of Strength”; and “The Responsible One".

Think about it: If your life was a movie title, what would it be called? What themes do you play out and what script are you playing by?

You are not just going through the motions of life at the hands of fate. Your life is very much rolling as the movie script you have created for yourself, based on the beliefs you have postulated over time (in this life and probably many others).

Maggie's Script

Let’s take the example of Maggie. When Maggie was a small child, she was witness to her father’s death. Her mother had left to do some shopping and asked Maggie to keep an eye on Daddy, who had been sick with heart trouble for months. Mother’s last words before leaving Maggie were, “I know I can count on you.” Maggie went out of her father’s room for a moment to use the bathroom, and when she returned he had had a heart attack and died.

As you can probably surmise, Maggie felt responsible for her father’s death and developed a “life script” that included, “I am responsible for everyone,” “I must do for others before myself” and “A man will leave me if I don’t take care of him.” These beliefs kept Maggie from doing much of anything for herself, feeling overwhelmed with trying to do for and please others, smothering her husband, and, in the end, getting sick with a muscle disease. Her perceptions led to limiting beliefs that created her life experience.

So goes the drama in a similar fashion in all our lives. Based on childhood events and past lives (if you believe in them), we decide certain beliefs that either help or hinder us. Our mind is very powerful and we create whatever we put out there as a guiding theme or life script. The problem is, many of us are asleep to what we are creating or we think it is too hard or impossible to create something different. The truth is, it can always be different.

Choose your Movie: "Life is Beautiful" or "Les Miserables"?

Beliefs or life scripts are just thoughts, and thoughts can always be changed when you DECIDE to change them. It’s all about owning up to your Divine power and letting go of faulty perceptions that keep you from a life filled with love, peace, happiness and Light.

I find it so fascinating to watch my clients and students uncover their beliefs and realize how powerful their minds are in manifesting various life experiences. When we can see the drama we have been creating, especially when we fall victim to the hands of other people, circumstances or life events, we can choose to stay in that “drama” or create a new “spiritual film" by totally rewriting our scripts and living in our true power.’s the real catch. We do nothing if it doesn’t benefit us in some way. The truth is, we like the attention, we like to be the martyrs and the victims. It’s just plain easier to blame others! Maybe there are so few spiritual films because our egos love the drama too much!

We wait for others to love us in order to feel love. We judge the behavior of others so we don’t have to look at our own. We tolerate societal and movie violence because we have become numb to our own pain. We allow the ego to control us, and so the drama continues while we wonder why Hollywood creates the kinds of movies it does. It's all simply a reflection of our very own lives. As long as our beliefs are based on fear and drama, the experiences we incur will mirror that.

Fortunately, as always, we do have a choice! We can change our current life script by allowing our Higher Selves to come forth and bring us new, empowering beliefs that bring us spiritual truths and Light.

For example, Maggie’s new life script included: “I am responsible only for myself” and “I give to myself first, allowing me to then give with ease to others.” And, my student with the movie title of “Romeo, Romeo?” chose “Have you Hugged Yourself Today?” as her new life theme.

The soul cannot emerge and really live until the ego and its fear-based beliefs get out of the way. We all have every right to be blissfully joyous and in love. We all have the choice to call our home movies Life is Beautiful or Les Miserables.

Copyright © 1999 Lisa Venable

Director: You

Story and Screenplay: Yourself

Cast: You, Your parents and relatives, and all the people that play a part in your life.


The author

Lisa Venable

Lisa Venable is a spiritual counselor, teacher and a minister at Lake Harriet Community Church.

She guides her clients to find their Higher Selves, re-write Life Scripts and release fear through positive messages, guided imagery and transformational healings.

Her life changing seven-week class entitled “Who Am I and How Am I Creating this Life” will be offered Tuesday evenings beginning January 11.

For more information on classes or private sessions, call Lisa at (612) 871 9220.

This article was originally published on the online edition of The Edge magazine.

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