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What's this Thing Called Love?

by Eric Theeman

Of course, it's not just a word, and it has to be unconditional to be real. Pure love is the primary principle of all life, the highest vibration in a vibrational universe, and it can heal us from any unwanted condition. From here starts a theoretical exploration, with some sound practical advice, in the realm of love by a man who has "teaching unconditional love" as his primary mission in life.


In the Seeming Beginning, it was Love and Love was with God. God, Goddess, All-That-Is, was, is now and will be forever and ever that Love!

We can't define God in words, for to define is to limit! We come as close as we can when we say, "God is Love!" Love is the primary principle of all Life; the first manifestation; the highest vibration in a universe made up of vibrations.

You and I are part of that Love, sharing that Love! Everything that exists is a slowed-down vibration of that Love; a sub-harmonic, but, always, in some way, containing the nature of that Love.

That which seems to us to be of a negative, sinful or inharmonious nature is also a manifestation of that Love but clouded over with conditions, judgements, illusions and false memories. When we complicate the simplicity of love with our added conditions, desires, and lack of trust, it gets twisted and doesn't look like love any more!

Anger is a denial of love but also a call for love. Such a call is very rarely recognised. The other person gets angry too and the call for love gets lost in the confusion.

High level energies like love have a way of re-straightening themselves. They can back- fire and return negative conditions to those responsible for creating or agreeing to them. That is, basically, what Karma is.

When we put out 'pure' love without complicating it with our thoughts, expectations or needs, then it is unconditional. Conditional means that we have added to our love some condition or qualifier. We can now use that love as a trade, to get a bargain or to control someone. This alloys the high vibration of love with the baser, materialistic condition.

It is common to hear a mother say," I want to love unconditionally, but after a time I give up. These kids are so naughty! I could keep loving them if they would only behave!" That's an excuse for not giving REAL love! That's setting up a 'return wanted', a bargining chip!

Anything that is 'pure' should be easy. It's the complexities we add that makes things hard. When love comes from the Heart Chakra (energy center) it is pure. It is very easy and natural to love from the heart, but the love gets inhibited and complicated by conditions, laid on it from the head center (mind).

The mother who says she can't love the kids unconditionally is really saying that she puts mind-thought conditions on her love. Her old thought-patterns say, she shouldn't love kids that are naughty. 'Naughty' is a judgement that means, they exceed certain of her limits and often disobey her. Children who get real, unconditional love don't have many behavioural problems, anyway!

Some people, mainly men, are so cut off from their feelings that they don't know how it feels to love from the heart. They think they 'love' but their love is a head-trip and, as such, is easily distorted to become conditional love. If they get married, after awhile they give up thinking they should feel love and just take it for granted.

Love, not words

Many women complain that their partners just take them for granted, but to the man in question that statement usually makes no sense! After a time, the woman may give up because she feels cheated by getting only words instead of nurturing, unconditional love.

Love is more than just an idea or a word. Just as the word f-o-o-d won't nourish you, neither will the word l-o-v-e! The word Love never satisfies, unless it's accompanied by energy and feeling!

Wife asks, "Do you love me, dear?" Hubby mutters, from behind his paper, "Of course, I love you." To him love is just a four-letter word that he is obliged to utter, from time to time. He has probably forgotten the feeling of love and hasn't got the energy to be bothered resurrecting it.

Real love is an energy; the other feels and is affected by it. It can flow, without words, as those in love often experience, in just being close, in silence. Very early, children learn about how to add conditions, when we should be teaching them unconditional love.

Young children learn by modelling even before they understand words, and, if the parents are competitive and self-seeking instead of open and loving, the children pick up their way of coping with life and getting attention. Give out real love (heart-love) and ask directly for what you want. There's magic in real love. People do respond to it!

Ancient language usage often gives insight into special meanings a word may have gathered or lost. One dictionary associates 'love' with the old German word 'lief' meaning 'to give leave' or 'allow'. 'Love', also comes from the Latin 'liber' meaning 'to liberate' or, 'to free'. So, we have the idea of love as 'an allowance of freedom'! Not many people think of love in that way but it is a practical definition, well worth remembering and using.

Unconditional Love as Healer

Love is the highest, strongest vibration in this universe. It is also the most powerful healer. Unconditional Love should be a part of every therapy, especially those therapies which involve giving or balancing energy.

Negative conditions, disease, depressions etc., often originate from twisted or selfish beliefs about love. These, eventually, affect the emotions; then the Etheric and finally, settle in the physical body.

Healing is a return to Wholeness. When we re-connect consciously with Universal Love it is easy to let go of old beliefs and unwanted conditions. As we open to love and drop our old 'stuff', emotions calm down, blocks release, the energy systems rebalance and the body soon returns to normal function.

Healing the other way, from the physical up, is usually a band-aid job, a surface do-up! Pushing drugs into the body leaves the negativity on the higher levels and it will resurface later.

When you have body discomfort or any unwanted condition, place left hand above and right hand below that level and send love to the part, as an energy. This is relaxing and healing! A surprising thing!

Remind yourself, often, of that wonderful final injunction, given by his teacher, to Jonathan Liverstone Seagull. "KEEP WORKING ON LOVE!!" Just allow yourself to be willing to love! That's the most important lesson of any lifetime!

Copyright © 1999 Eric Theeman

The "Mandala of Love" according to the German artist Heita Copony


The author

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Meanwhile, let's introduce him. He is

Eric Theeman

He's from New Zealand and his spiritual journey started when he was 12 and realized there was much more to life than what he was being taught in the local church. In the Sixties, he did externsive research into his past (and past lives), before practicing, in the Seventies, as a spiritual counselor and a Polarity therapist.

From that, he came to the great turning point in his life: the realization that he could tap into and teach the use of the heart-centered energy of Unconditional Love. Now he does Spiritual Healing and writes small books on spiritual, New Age subjects.

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