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Blu Thermo was founded in 1999 by Biagio Tortora, who had a twenty-year experience in the sector of heating and air-conditioning


Blu Thermo offers high standards of living conditions for every season thanks it know how

Blu Thermo has supplied private houses and commercial buildings with its products. For example:

Hotel D'Onofrio - Telese Terme (Bn)

Hotel La Pagliarella - Telese Terme (Bn)

Cantina Sociale Il Sannio - Castelvenere (Bn)

Agriturismo Il Giardino dei Ciliegi - San Lorenzello (Bn)

Parco Turistico  Rio Grassano - S. Salvatore Telesino (Bn)




Blu Thermo of Biagio Tortora

Via Tratturo Regio I, 32 - S. Lorenzello (BN) - Italy

(+39) 338 9703613

(+39) 0824 814346
(+39) 0824 814351

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