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Home -> Games -> Mines and Flowers

Mines and Flowers

A simple puzzle game, written for the Allegro Speedhack 2002 competition



Name: Mines and Flowers
Version: 1.1
Date: 10-04-2002
Languages: English
License: Freeware
Platform: Windows (DirectX)
Graphics: Francesco Canovi


Version 1.1

Source code (248 kb)
Windows binary (413 kb)
DOS binary (405 kb)

Version 1.0
(Original Speedhack entry)

Source code (248 kb)
Windows binary (426 kb)



This is a puzzle game with simple rules. You have a grid with mines and flowers. The object of the game is to turn all the mines on the grid into flowers. When you click on a cell with a mine, that one and the four adjacent cells will change to a flower and viceversa. I hope you enjoy it even if it is more difficult to solve than it seems.

This game was written in a weekend for the Allegro Speedhack 2002 competition. The rules were:
- The game should be made with the Allegro library (obviously)
- The game should not have any external data
- The game should exude a message of peace, love and mutual respect

Special thanks to Francesco Canovi who made the graphics for the game.



Here is a screenshot of the game. (Click to enlarge)

© 2000-2002 by Marco Chiesi - Last update: