I am a collector of chewing gums (the first one on the list) and I am a web-designer for profession. Surfing the web, I found quite a lot of sites for collectors, but I didn't see any place in which you can sell, trade, get information about exhibitions or communicate with other collectors. So ... I decided to make one myself! Obviously the subject for now is about my collection, but it is not excluded, for the future, if my initiative get a successful response, I would like to add other subjects too! If you'd like to subscribe, send me an email (click on the letter image) with your details you'd like to have exposed on the website: obligatory are name, email, country and a brief description of your collection. Additionally you can also put your surname, address, postal code, city, telephone number, URL and, if you have one, a picture of your collection would be nice too. This is a private initiative and completely free!

Thank you for your cooperation!
Name Country Number of packages
Matteo Casella Italia 1200
Robert Back Chile 14000
Fred Isaksen Norway 3000
Roman Omelchuk Russia 5300
Valery Nosal Russia 26000
Michael Müller Austria 3000
Dianne Barnes U.S.A. 25000
Kim Papai   50.000
Alex Novikovski Russia 6000