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 The Good Morrow site features a big database of quotes relating to humor and funny stuff.

 Most of the quotations listed on this site were compiled and collected by us, from various sources like books, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet.

 And the rest were submitted by our users and guests (the "Goodmorrowers"), like you.

 To the best of our knowledge, all the quotes are stated accurately and the original authors have been credited properly. And, for the ones that we couldn't verify the sources, we labeled them as "Unknown".

 If you notice any quotes that are incorrect or duplicates, please let us know so we can make the necessary changes, by using the page "Tips".

 We do not necessarily agree with the quotes in our database, but all are included to make (hopefully) all the "Goodmorrowers" laugh.

 Thank you.

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Last update: 08/31/2000