Land Management

above some pictures taken around the farm.
N 42° 43.311'
E 011° 11.742'
CEP 42 feet

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The Multiple Benefits of Rotational Grazing


Many alpaca and llama owners begin their relationship with the land as an afterthought of owning these beautiful animals. However, the benefits of proper land care are multiple and should take equal importance to herd management plans. Of the numerous tools available for land improvement, rotational grazing is perhaps one of the most rewarding since its rapid results impact not only the health of our soil but also all its dependent enterprises.

Healthier land = Healthier animals.

Improving soil quality begins with a plan for a rotational usage of the land. This can be achieved by fencing plots through which animals are moved for predetermined amounts of time. Control of the time animals spend in each plot ensures a more efficient and uniform utilization of the forage production. Also, animals that ingest more of their natural food sources --rather than cut hay or pellets-- decrease their dependence on medication as overall health improves. Access to quality pasture has in fact been documented to produce higher fertility rates and lower cria-mortality rates. Rotational grazing therefore seems to facilitate the breeder’s production of healthier animals and cleaner fleeces, thereby producing higher quality products for sale.

Healthier land = Greater productivity.

Rotationally grazed pastures control overgrazing of the overly nutritious but preferred leguminous species. Continuous animal movement through pastures also creates a "herd effect" that loosens the soil more evenly. This ensures that manure is processed faster through the natural cycles while clearing old vegetation for new regrowth. Thus managed, the land provides increasingly greater amounts of more nutritious plants for the herd’s health benefits. Another significant benefit of such increased pasture productivity is decreased expense on purchased hay.

Healthier land = Healthier ecosystems.

Healthier soil is not only beneficial to our immediate herd requirements but also has a positive impact on wildlife habitat, preserves or improves watersheds and beautifies scenery. These benefits impact a whole community and not only the farmer implementing control over animals and land through rotational grazing.

Healthier land = New image for Exotic Animal Farms.

Exotic animal farms are often described as "luxury" farms that contribute minimally to their immediate environment. This perception can and should be changed: Alpaca and llama breeders can, through the careful management and improvement of their land, show agricultural leadership. At the same time, such farms can provide environmentally friendly employment opportunities such as wool washing and processing as well as llama-packing and other activities.

Of the numerous tools available to the farmer and breeder wishing to improve overall productivity and quality, rotational grazing is perhaps one of the most gratifying. Its impact on land and animals is almost immediate and its long term benefits incalculable. The land produces more and better quality forage and animals become healthier while feeding and veterinary costs decrease. But, perhaps most importantly, it places the alpaca and llama farmer in the position of demonstrating to rural communities that age-old agricultural practices can be sucessfully implemented with non-traditional livestock. What better marketing can we hope for in a world that is seeking lifestyle as well as agricultural alternatives.



Alpaca Breeding Centre of Italy
Azienda Agricola Podere Val di Toro
Poggio La Mozza - 58100 Grosseto Italy
+39 0564 406022 +39 0564 406022