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IZ2FOB  JN45MQ New QTH Since August 2001

array_1.jpg (21776 byte)                   elev_1.jpg (29583 byte)               elev_2.jpg (26085 byte)
2m:  2x9 F9FT  - 70cm 4x21 F9FT with full elevation, you can find more detail about elevation system in the hardware section
23: 35 F9FT
6m: Rotatable dipole 
HF: 10-40m  dipole
shack_jn45mq.jpg (76663 byte) 2m:     IC821h - MGF1302  home made  - 150w brick PA
70cm: IC821h - MGF 1302 home made  - 500w (GS35b PA) home made
23cm: FT817 + Xverter 2m-23cm  DB6NT 13g2 h.m. + PA 50 w (3x M57762)
24cm/3cm ATV:  Home made transceiver 
6m & HF: YAESU FT 817 -5w , ICOM IC706 MK2g


IW2DVK JN45MR Old QTH Until the end of 1999

ant_jn45mr.jpg (21823 byte)

2m: 17b2  6m: 4 el. yagi  10m: GP & dipole (downlink RS)

HF: 15 - 20 - 40 dipoles (swl only)

shack_jn45mr.jpg (76643 byte)

2m: IC821h + MGF1302       HSMS: 9a4gl DOS ver. 0,51

6m & HF: ICOM IC706 FM & Packet: Yaesu FT2700rh; AlincoALD24e