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Wendy Whoppers is a real cheerleader type. If Russ Meyer was the guy who made cheerleaders, that is. She also has a bubbly personality and the kind of face that is pure California beach bunny. She has huge tits, though, and they look pretty damn good on her. Performers who work with her say she's an easygoing person to know and has a good sense of humor. One of her hottest recent moments comes opposite Roscoe Bowltree in The Bottom Dweller where she odes an amazing strip and seduction of the beefy stud, only to turn into a demure little dick drinker who helps him out with a sizzling tit fuck. And that's not all. Wendy is such a hot slot that Pepper Productions signed her up to an exclusive contract, which guarantees you'll get plenty of chances to have those Whoppers before the year is out."

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