Lecturer in Human Anatomy Faculty of Pharmacy Bari University


The hecatimeric Cranio-metro-localisation Method
in practical applications of topographic Anatomy of the Head

(with 46 figures and a human cranio encephalic stereo topometry anatomical atlas attached)


Luigi Martino





  1. Previous anatomo dissector methods in cranio encephalic topography

  2. Anatomo radiological methods in cranio cerebral stereotaxis assessments

  3. The geometric principle underlying the «hecatimeric» cranio metro localising method

    1. The cranio metro localising «inscribing» geometric system in proportion to an «inscribed» cranium

    2. The two systems of hecatimeric metro localising exocranial scales («inscribing» scalar geometric system for pinpointing a position in the cranium by means of Cartesian coordinates)
      1. The curviscalar system
      2. The rectiscalar system

    3. Anatomo topographical Maps and subsidiary anatomical Stereo-Models

    4. The hecatimeric method extended to proportional anatomy studies concerning the human body

  4. Studies and practical applications of the hecatimeric cranio metro-localising method in the human field

    1. Methods and applications

    2. Approximation (or generic) stereo metro localising method (with reference to anatomical maps)

    3. Precision (or individual or subjective) stereo metro localising method

  5. Studies and practical applications in animals

    1. Methods and applications

    2. Approximation (or generic or anatomical) stereo metro localising method

    3. Precision (or individual or radiological) stereo metro localising method


