Milan Cricket Club 

           Milan is known worldwide as a centre of fashion and Milan C.C., MCC, is no exception when it comes to leading the world in stunning creations for the world of cricket.
            Gucci and Versace may not exactly be club members,(they failed the spelling test), but that well known couturier, Milo Kircino, has assembled a dazzling array of shirts, sweaters, hats and other essential items of clothing for the discerning club member.
           Born of his indepth experience of walking back to the pavilion,  Milo has designed and procured a wide range of  cricketing items and has even unselfishly put in long hours at the dining table and in the bar in order to help model clothes for cricketers with the fuller girth.
            It is indeed no coincidence that his catwalk is just 22 yards long-- yes, even  his models are trained to turn on a length if you know what I mean.
            Study the bewildering catalogue below and Milo will be the man to make your dressing dreams come true.
 (current stocks low but you never know --  try ordering something.)

All merchandise has the MCC logo.

Prices, apart from not including VAT + P&P, are also subject to change at a moment’s notice.