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Italia Invita


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Italia Invita
International Forum of lace and embroidery
Bellaria di Rimini (Italy)
Web: www.italiainvita.it


Italia Invita - 1st International Forum of  lace and embroidery (Bellaria di Rimini, May 9th - 11th, 2003) was the result of an effort too give life to a new great event devoted to lace and embroidery in Italy.

Managing Committee's first goal was to present the actual world of Italian embroidery and lace, in its cultural and technical features. So, the most important italian schools and associations were present with their stands, but there was also place for the small groups; workshops and demos took place to give an overview of Italian traditional techniques in lace and embroidery. Last but not least, there were lectures from famous experts and exhibitions from reputed artists, as well as visits to the main lace and embroidery museums. Else, for the first time in Italy we saw so many Italian and foreigner sellers and editors all together. 

The event was a great success: more than 1.500 daily visitors from 19 different countries! 


The 2nd edition will take place in Bellaria di Rimini from 12th to 15th of May, 2005.
Its theme will be: "The origins".
There will be, like in the past edition, exhibits, lectures, workshops, lace stands and more and more...

For further information, please contact the Official Web site.  




Italia Invita 2003. The hall.



The guestbook and some stands.



 "Comunicare col filo", a common work for everyone who wanted to leave a sign of his (her) presence. 


One of the Collections Rooms.


