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Using Context Menus

Context menus provide quick access in the Workspace panel, Timeline, and viewports for modifying composites, layers, operators, and objects. The menus vary depending on the item you are modifying.

Workspace Panel and Timeline Menus

The Composite operator has special context menus for layers, and the Paint operator has special context menus for the Paint objects. For example, when you select a Paint object, the context menu includes all the options in the Effects menu.

To access a context menu:

Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) an item.

Some of the context menu options for the Workspace panel and Timeline are shown below.

These options are also available in the menus at the top of the screen, with the following exceptions:

Viewport Menus

The context menu in the viewport also varies.

For the context menus for Schematic view, see Schematic Context Menus.

These options are also available in the menus at the top of the screen, with the following exceptions:

Miscellaneous Context Menus

There are context menus in a few other places in combustion:

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