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Scaling Layers

You can scale a layer to change its size and proportions. A scale value of 100% returns the layer to its original size.

To scale a layer:
  1. Select the layer.
  2. To use the Transform controls to set explicit values for the scale of the layer, click the Transform button and adjust the X, Y, and Z Scale fields.
  3. Note: You can also double-click the Scale tool, and enter the X, Y, and Z position in the Scale dialog.

  4. To return to the default values, click the Scale Reset   button.
  5. To drag the layer to scale it in a viewport, click the Scale tool   on the Toolbar and then drag the layer in a viewport.
  6. Note: Left-click and drag to scale along the X and Y axes. Right-click (Windows) or Option-click (Macintosh) and drag to scale on the Z-axis.

  7. To constrain the movement to one or more axes, select the X, Y, and Z options on the Toolbar.
  8. Note: You can use Z Scale to "move" a layer in the Z axis by scaling the distance between the Z Pivot value and the layer. Thus, Z Scale has no effect when Z Pivot equals 0.

  9. Enable the Proportional button in the Transform controls (or press Shift while dragging in a viewport) to preserve the layer's proportions when scaling.

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