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Rendering with OpenGL

You can render using OpenGL. Instead of rendering using the software-based renderer, image files are saved from the output of your OpenGL graphics card. This is useful for quick renders as you work on a project.

Although OpenGL hardware can render many of the composite features in combustion, some features are not supported for all OpenGL hardware, and some features are only supported on some cards. Thus, the OpenGL-rendered output is not the same as the output the software-based renderer would create.

Warning: Usually, you should not use OpenGL with network rendering since the frames on the various workstations may not match due to different OpenGL cards. If every workstation on the network has the same OpenGL card installed with the same drivers, then network rendering produces the same results.

To use OpenGL for rendering:
  1. In the Workspace panel, select the Composite operator.
  2. In the Composite Controls panel, click Settings.
  3. From the Rendering list, select OpenGL.
  4. If the composite is the current operator, the viewport switches to the OpenGL preview.

  5. Render the composite. The result images are generated by the OpenGL hardware.
  6. Note: If you do not have a graphics card that includes OpenGL hardware, the software simulates the OpenGL results. Obviously, this is slower because there is no hardware acceleration.

To use the software-based renderer:

Select Software from the Rendering list.

If the composite is the current operator and the viewport is using OpenGL mode, the viewport switches back to the normal Software display mode automatically.

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