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Controlling Speed

You can control the speed of an object along its motion path with the Speed channel. The speed adjustments do not affect the motion path itself.

The Speed channel is only available for the Composite, Paint, Mask, Selection, and Particles operators.

For other items where you control position (such as the flare center for a Lens Flare filter), you can still control speed using position keyframes and their tangent handles in the Timeline. This is also how you control speed if you disable the Speed channel.

To simplify the descriptions in this section, the word object is used to refer to any item that can have a motion path and has a Speed channel. As mentioned above, this includes composite layers and objects, as well as Paint, mask, selection, and emitter objects.

You can see a motion path in the viewport when the operator (such as Paint) is displayed in the viewport and the object is selected.

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