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Transforming Emitter Objects

You can transform emitter objects using the Transform controls or the Arrow tool. For line emitters, you can move the control points and adjust their tangent handles to make curved lines. You can also animate the transforms.

Transform controls include Position, Rotation, Size, and Pivot. For details, see Transform Controls.

The Arrow tool has three options:

For line emitters, you can use the Arrow tool with the Control Points option to move or add points.

To transform an emitter object:
  1. Select the emitter object in the Workspace
    panel (F3) or in the viewport.
  2. Transform the emitter object using the Transform controls or the Arrow tool.

You can only move a point emitter. For circle and area emitters, you can also change size and rotation. For line emitters, you can change position, rotation, and pivot point, and you can edit the control points.

To edit control points for a line emitter:
  1. Click the Arrow tool and select the line emitter.
  2. Click the Control Points option.
  3. As you edit the control points, you can do any of the following:

You can delete the entire emitter or the selected control point.

You cannot transform particle types. Since particle types "belong to" the emitter, only the emitter can be transformed. That is, particle types are not objects like letters that are grouped as a word.

When you select a particle type for an emitter in the Workspace panel, the Transform controls can still be accessed, but the transform values are only for the emitter object that the particle type belongs to.

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